BBO Show with Kyle & Harms


Key principles to getting your business heard in a noisy online world


What you’ll learn in today’s show

BBO.SHOW #30 – Key principles to getting your business heard in a noisy online world

Hey, thanks for watching today’s show, if you have not yet then…

What you will learn in today’s show:

  • Understand our marketing system in more detail
  • Learn the principles to cut through the noise
  • Two case studies that embody this principle (new and old)
  • Who this won’t work for
  • Special note on businesses closed due to coronavirus
  • Plus more

The focus area is: Online audience building.

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Read the transcript instead…


BBO.SHOW #30: Key principles to getting your business heard in a noisy online world

Baton outline

Kyle: The marketing framework that we teach is BATON. 

We are introducing this topic which is the audience so we are starting from the assumption that you have something of value, and you’ve identified your market and now we are starting to tell the market what it is we’ve created, what value we can offer them.

Harms: That is the focus of this guide.

It will also allow you to identify gaps and what I mean by gaps is if something isn’t working, we can start to look at which parts of the system which component of the system there is a problem, issue, challenge we need to improve. 

For example Kindle direct publishing. 

Publishing an e-book in order to attract an audience’s attention not to sell books over here in the offer stage, but actually drive traffic and bring awareness to our business idea. 

Kyle, how do we first think about the audience when approaching it?

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Value first

Kyle: We need to make reference to the first section of BATON which is business, in the business section we worked out what it is we do, what value we are creating for the world. 

What expertise or knowledge or skill, what can we bring to a marketplace that they value. 

We talked about how the easiest way to find something valuable for the market is to solve one of their problems and you as a business can come in and solve that problem, using a product, service, your content. 

Whatever it is, it’s all about problem-solving and helping them get a result. 

That’s basically what a business is and people pay us for that. 

They pay us for the work we put in for the value. 

Unless you have nailed down what your value is, what your business value is and what your business does, then it doesn’t really make sense to get on a rooftop and yell and shout and talk about how great your business is because most people see through you. 

We will talk about how you get their attention, but we want to make sure that what you’re saying has value.  

We will restart in the business section for that reason. 

That said, we’re going to assume you’ve got through all of that already, you’ve found your market, you’ve found what problems you’re going to be solving. 

You have started to sketch ideas for products and services you could provide that particular market, we’re going to assume you’ve done all that and we’re going to talk about how we start to tell the market what it is we have to offer.

Harms: Assuming that you do have a business idea that is verified it works and is ready to go into the audience section. 

Let’s now talk about what we will be covering in this guide and there are four components. 

Those four components are content messaging, platform, time, and time is linked with consistency. 

When we talk about content what we are saying is what do we talk about? 

What are we actually saying out there in the online world?

The second one is messaging; it’s how we are saying what we are saying.

The third one is platform and this is probably the first question we get and I get it all the time from clients and friends, “what platform shall we post on?” 

What we mean by that is where shall this content be distributed? 

Where shall this content be published?

Kyle: The final component of the system is time and consistency. 

It’s all well and good working out your content, messaging, platform to get your message out to get your business message and value out, you need to keep doing it consistently over time. 

That’s because it takes time to build an audience, and there’s no real shortcut around this.

Harms: Those are four components which will help make up the audience and give you a better chance of success when it comes to attracting an audience’s attention. 

Building an audience and then later leveraging that audience going forward within the BATON system.

Kyle: I think it is very important just to quickly highlight the fact that we aren’t just saying go and start a YouTube channel.

That is what most digital marketers would do. 

Most of the time if you’re watching anything digital marketing or building a business they’ll say, go and do an Instagram live. 

They’re talking about the tools; these are places these are platforms absolutely. 

But in this guide we’re stripping it back to the fundamentals and we’re focusing on the fact that we are a business first and foremost, you’re a business, you provide value to the marketplace. 

We need to base your decisions content, messaging, platform, consistency, and time, we need to base this on delivering value as a business. 

It’s all well and good us telling you how to set up a great Facebook page and how to promote it that may or may not be relevant to your particular business. 

That’s why we’re not jumping in and just giving you tools, so if any point you are chomping at the bit on how to set up a YouTube channel, that’s easy. 

What we’re showing you are the fundamentals that mean all your efforts, all the technical efforts will actually pay off because we’ve laid this foundation of business focused thought.

Today’s focus: Audience introduction

Harms: Let’s talk about the basis of the audience which can be seen as extremely complex. 

The complexity comes from, how do I get heard online when it’s ridiculously busy?

Kyle: 403 million tweets have been sent today, there are 3.8 billion videos that have been viewed on YouTube today, 45 million photos have been posted on Instagram today etcetera.

The numbers are phenomenal. 

The problem with virality is it’s not necessarily good for your business. 

Somebody falling off a log or fat baby eating dumplings might go viral. How can you tie that to your business? 

We create something that is valuable to your market so that later on we can actually start to convert the audience into your tribe the people who care. 

Then we convert the tribe into your customers using the offer stage, so just getting a large audience no longer makes sense anymore. 

You’ve seen how many people are online, how many videos are being circulated. Yes, you can probably grab a percentage of that and get your message in front of people but we need to make sure they care.

Harms: We come back to value and come back to keeping it simple. 

We’re saying how do we simplify the complexity and work at it from a principal level first which is content, messaging, platform, time, and consistency being in brackets. 

Let’s give you an example of somebody who did keep it simple amongst this extremely complex world that is online media, online content production and digital marketing where some people’s focus is on virality. 

Some people focus on grabbing people’s attention in different ways. 

Let’s look at somebody who almost did not have to do it in the ways you typically think and they’ve done in the time when those numbers Kyle described earlier exist. 

So they haven’t done it well before there was all this Internet hype. 

They’ve done it in pretty much the decade when the Internet and when people are uploading an incredible amount of content and media. 

The first example is Yoga with Adriene.

Yoga with Adrienne article as an example here

Kyle: She’s been building up her following building an audience over time, and recently in the Guardian a newspaper in the UK there was a piece about her. I thought it was a really interesting article. 

Using the framework we’ve given you content, messaging platform and time. 

On that first point, when you do have a particular problem like, my backs hurting so I want to do yoga for my lower back. 

If you type in restorative yoga lower back, yoga with Adriene will show up.

There are many, many, many people doing yoga videos on YouTube. 

There are many people on YouTube doing yoga. 

Why does she show up? 

One which is highlighted in the article is that her and her partner actually did some research, they did some research into what people search for on YouTube. 

What people search for on Google and they pulled down a list and it was things like lower back pain service workers, on my feet all day, lower back pain, etcetera and then she did yoga videos for each of those problems specifically.

Harms: She does not guess or make up what people want to hear and she struggled with that concept, because to get in front of people we need to identify what their problems are. 

Coming from an authentic place you want to do what is right, but also how do I get discovered? 

If she hadn’t done this kind of research she would again be a ghost on YouTube on the internet altogether. 

She is saying what problems do people actually have and what are they searching for okay, let me produce videos or at least the headline produces videos as well as parts of the content that meet that requirement. 

Those topics people are searching for she is supplying that demand in terms of what content she produces. 

That’s why she has stood head and shoulders above everybody else, but it wasn’t by accident. 

The way she comes across is it looks like it’s all done by accident, but the reality is, no, she’s done some research and homework, and as we go into the messaging element platform we will find that she almost has found an intersection of things that, or a type of yoga or a style of yoga that just didn’t exist, or it was very well served. 

What did you identify in terms of her messaging?

Kyle: If you haven’t watched yoga with Adriene she’s goofy, she makes silly jokes, she encourages giggles to herself. It’s a very attractive and interesting image. 

I think that is entirely her. 

There is authenticity and interestingly her more recent videos are just a camera pointed at her and it’s her unedited just chatting and babbling away to herself. 

They’re very authentic. 

Whereas previous ones used to be her going through yoga positions and then she does a voice over afterwards, and they are a lot more serious, not really very much fun and I think she’s moved towards more authentic because she does have an attractive, likeable character. 

That said, there are certain parts of messaging which have been decided upon in the article, they talk about this, there are things like she wears mismatched clothing, she’s not head to toe in Lululemon or some high yoga fashion instead it’s bits and pieces and looks a little bit scruffy. 

That works really well with her image. 

The other big part of messaging is Benji, her dog. 

She has a dog who comes in seemingly interrupts her while she’s doing yoga and then lies down and has a nap next to her. 

The dog has become part of yoga with Adriene and it’s part of it, people love seeing the dog come in and sit next to her whilst she’s doing yoga. Some people might say no, I’m doing my yoga videos while the dog stays outside. 

They made a decision the dog comes inside and the dog becomes a part of that messaging part of the image of yoga with Adriene and that’s a conscious decision and a very clever one. 

It’s also being copied yoga with Candice and Yoga with Tim are other yoga channels where the dog is very visible during the videos.

It is part of the personality which also aligns with what the audience wants to see, it makes it more enjoyable for them and similar to the content.

The content using keywords to find out what people are actually searching for. 

It’s not manipulative in the sense that you are just trying again the algorithms, instead, it is okay, you have specific problems. I’m here to serve them. 

If me being goofy and me wearing mismatched clothes and having Benji the dog sits next me also helps you to get through the yoga sessions, makes them more enjoyable. 

Great, absolutely great and I think it’s a mix of planning and authenticity and I do not think the planning in any way undermines the authenticity.

Harms: What we are saying here is in some yoga on YouTube back in the day, seven, eight, nine years ago was high-end, tranquil, and you’ve got this kind of sound in the background of a meditative sound. 

It’s amazing but it’s also very far fetched for the regular person. 

Don’t get me wrong those channels are massive but that is one type of messaging, that is one type of brand, that is one type of this is what we’re representing. 

Then there’s the other, which is okay we’re doing it in the gym, for everyday people, in the yoga studio. 

That’s one type of thing which is closer to how a regular person will interact and then you’ve got somebody else doing it at home in the living room, very simplistic. 

They’re keeping the components very simple, clothing. 

The way she talks is not serious, got the dog, which if you know anything about human psychology animals are a big factor in that as a medium. 

Those are extremely simple, but she didn’t decide to go for this high-end appeal or to a yoga studio gym she did it at home, so that’s her messaging. 

Research what people want or where there is a gap in the market for YouTube and then serve it and she served it fantastically well. 

The next thing is YouTube the platform and in very simple terms ideally we want the platform to fit the kind of content you’re producing as closely as possible. So what platform best serves your content? 

For example if you are a writer, then maybe a blog platform, a website, somewhere you actually write somewhere like Twitter. 

Somewhere where you can actually just write and the platform is very well optimised for that type of media. 

A platform which is very optimised for video by far the most incredible platform for video is YouTube. 

She’s got the type of content which is video which matches very well with the platform YouTube, she could have done it on Facebook, she could have done it on vimeo or similar. 

If you look at when she started Facebook was a terrible video tool and arguably still is. Facebook watches doesn’t quite host the amazing content that YouTube does. 

YouTube’s built for video Instagram is built for photos, which is why their video sucks. Facebook is an average of everything, but it is not solely a video platform. So YouTube is ideal. 

The final part is time. 

How long should we be doing it?

Kyle: I checked her first video and it was seven years ago, so there is consistency there. 

It is possible to pull up graphs showing how a channel grows over at the. 

I imagine we’ll see flat, flat, flat and then it starts going and zooms up. I think it mentioned in the article she could be making potentially $180,000 dollars a month from her YouTube account at the moment just on ads. 

But I think she has a business on the back end of that as well, which is workshops and a private group. you can get to that level but it takes a while, you will see flat, flat and nothing and then you might get a jump because you’ve done a podcast or been some kind of nudge in your audience factor and then it will slowly start to grow. 

You see this pattern again and again and again getting bigger on YouTube. 

Because the bigger you are the more views you have, the more likes and comments you have, the more engagement, the more likely a platform like YouTube is to show your content to more people, and therefore you get bigger and bigger. 

This is very similar on all the platforms.

Harms: She consistently did this for the first two years and having had looked at the report I think she hit about 200,000 subscribers over a two-year period. 

It was a very slow slog to get to that seven years ago plus 2 years, then like Kyle said it exponentially grew through the roof because the bid got bigger. 

But it was consistent just go and have a look at the amount of video she’s posted consistently what feels like on the schedule it’s incredible to see. 

Now you’re only going to get those results even if somebody like yoga with Adriene is very easy look at them now and say they’re massive but two years consistent, three is consistent, seven that’s a decade and that’s no different to spending a decade in your career to climb up the corporate ladder or get into a managerial senior partner position.

Building a YouTube channel almost feels similar to seven years, you’ve got some growth great. 

It’s going to be different for different people, but I think her success has also come from understanding the audience element quite well. 

Whether it’s consciously or unconsciously, and understanding research content, keeping the messaging simple, understanding the platform, and then just doing it for seven years straight. 

No doubt the first six months would have been tough. 

The first year would have been tough, but she did it and she’s still going.

Kyle: Some people might be thinking that’s a long time, but she’s making a quarter million dollars a month. 

Working in your job for seven years to get promotions. 

If you do that you’re still not getting paid a quarter million dollars a month on different scales, but it’s going to take time and there are no shortcuts.

Growth Tribes example

Harms: She’s somebody who’s in a place where you think okay what “they made it” or they are very successful within that platform of YouTube. 

They built an online business which is fantastic and she has businesses off the back of that which is great. 

Let’s look at something which I’m involved in, which is now very much still at the early phase. 

If you look at that seven-year growth curve it’s very much in the early stages, so let’s look at the Growth Tribes podcast as an example. 

I co-host with a guy called Dr Rohan Weerasinghe and let’s think about the first element, which is the content. 

The content is very much focused on personal growth and development. 

So again, that’s not guessing what people want, we’re working on the same formula that Adriene has done and we have via experience working out what people want to hear, and what’s on trend. 

Then speaking into that space. 

That’s the content itself. Kyle what is your take on the messaging?

Kyle: I think your messaging is very clever. 

I’ll explain it as a generational transfer of wisdom. So, almost like you have an elder in the community whose passing down what they have learnt, passing down their wisdom to the next generation. 

Dr Ro is a generation above Harms and is talking to Harms about his journey, what he’s been doing in the last 20 years or so, which has allowed him to get into the position where he is today. 

He can give you and the listeners a leg up in directions whether that’s about money, relationships, children, for example, it’s okay, I’ve been through all of this. 

These are the things I’ve learnt and the things you should know to make your life a lot easier moving forward and allow you to reach your goals and reach the vision of what your life should be. 

Which I think is a cool concept, especially because there are some people out there who don’t necessarily have that chain, that knowledge, being passed down by older generations.

Harms: That was very much the focus of what we wanted this project to be. 

It was actually a legacy project in the sense that when we disappear from this earth, there is a message left behind. 

That message is that transference of wisdom which is spot on and that transference also happens in the other direction. 

From a younger person up to the older generation and we’re acting as a voice to somebody listening in, almost a mirror to somebody listening into the podcast, in which we have a conversation this is the challenge the younger generation are facing does the older generation understand it? 

The older generation have never faced the challenge like that but what is similar? 

The next question we had to make was what platform do we put this media content onto?

We had discussions with Kyle, our internal digital marketing team to work out what is the right platform and the platform we decided to go with was podcasts. 

Kyle what’s your thoughts on why we feel that was a good decision.

Kyle: My preference is always video because you can also pull the audio from the video. 

However, in this particular case, it’s almost like the discussion required a sacred, holy space for the two of you to discuss and between the two of you, you decided that audio was a better medium for that. 

Just a bit more intimate, personal and I think for the person listening in as well it’s as if you’re sitting in the same room listening into a discussion. 

We decided the video didn’t add a huge amount to that, being able to listen in your headphones while driving or exercising is quite convenient. 

Harms: You have to understand what your medium is and what message you are getting across, and what platform best suits that and what kind of format. 

In terms of audio it’s on all of these platforms which makes it very quickly available to people who like to listen on the preferred platform. 

Some people love Apple podcasts, some people spend all their time on Spotify, so in that sense it’s great. It’s also a kind of background listen. 

What I love about audio media is you can do something and listen to a podcast at the same time so that’s why we determined that was the platform.

Now we’ve identified the platform for the new podcast we’re coming onto episode 30 now is consistency. 

So the consistency of the podcast is again we’re very early compared to something like Yoga with Adriene but we’ve been doing it once a week. 

We decided that is doable and a consistent schedule for us to stick by considering we have businesses and lives and families and so on so forth. So a new episode every single week. 

On a graph the trend is increasing over time, and if you look at 30 podcasts the all-time download figure is 5.7000 downloads and in the last 30 days it’s been 872 downloads. 

Last seven days which means a new podcast has been dropped in the last seven days is 203 downloads. 

That’s pretty cool for a podcast which is completely organic actually, we’re not in advertising against it. 

That shows you even at a tiny frame looking at 30 episodes, 30 weeks how quickly something can start to grow when you have consistency, when you constantly put time behind it. 

It is very different to all the thousands of podcasts out there which needed five episodes and they just gave up.

Kyle: Which is the majority as people do not see the results they are expecting immediately.

I think a lot of people are used to immediate results, immediate gratification but it takes time. 

What you’ve done doing it once a week, you’ve decided this is consistent. 

This is sustainable because, yes, you’ll probably get more listeners if you do one every single day, but from a sustainability point of view it’s impossible. 

We are doing one a day because we decided that’s sustainable for us. That’s fine, and hopefully will be rewarded by the algorithms and we will be able to go faster because of the volume of content. 

But you need to be thinking about what is sustainable because so many people will get really excited, do a bunch of podcasts, videos, or spend a week just blasting lots of blog articles, posting them and nothing happens. 

They think, well I just spent a lot of time and a lot of energy doing that and I didn’t get the results I was expecting. 

What do they do? They stop. 

So instead, you say this is what I can do consistently over time.

Harms: You’re going to think it can’t be that easy but yes it is and that’s the battle that you’re going to have to overcome. It is that missing component. 

Number one is identifying what people want to hear and look at number four is consistency. 

If I had to highlight two personally they would be the magic pill or the magic components. 

Unfortunately, the consistency one is a pill you have to take on a weekly/daily basis. 

Now I’ve started to introduce this topic but who won’t this work for?

Key concepts/ Who this won’t work for?

Kyle: This links back to the BATON system we have business. We have an audience. We have tribe, offer and network. 

We do not start selling to people until we get to offer. 

This means when we’re in the audience stage we’re giving away value free. 

If you are of the mindset that there is such a thing as trade secrets or what you do you need to protect it. You can’t tell people about what it is, about what value you provide unless they pain you. 

This method of building up an audience and as a whole, the BATON system is probably not going to work for you. 

We very much believe that ideas are cheap information that is cheap, but putting pen to paper, creating videos, getting content out there, that’s the important thing, not the actual ideas. 

If you are protective of what it is you know, your expertise probably won’t work.

Harms: If yoga with Adriene took that approach she would probably have a yoga studio in her hometown, maybe a handful of customers who come visit her. 

That would be the output there. 

Ideas are cheap. 

Now the reality is we just explained that the results come from putting in the work. 

We can all have as many ideas and ideas if you’re a creative mindset they’re endless but executing on the idea is critical. 

The final key concept is something that I think people understand, but still are uncomfortable with actually doing which is you’ve got to give in return. 

You’ve got to sometimes give, give, give some more and then give some more and then give some more before you can even receive anything. 

So what probably is a good caveat is you have to give without any kind of expectation, certainly in the first instance before we can ask and actually receive something in reverse. 

These are the principles that we think are critical when it comes to audience building, we spoke about the components, but these are the mental principles that are essential. 

Kyle what’s the alternative to this?

Kyle: I think one important thing we should mention is the two of us run a digital marketing agency, people pay us for the information we’re giving you for free. 

They pay us for a reason because we will do the work for them. 

We will give the information to them faster, but we still give out information. 

We still want to teach and provide value to the world as we know, that helps our business further down the line. I think that’s worth pointing out.

 The alternatives are you don’t want to give away value. 

If you don’t want to build an audience this way, you can absolutely spend money, you can spend money on advertising so direct ads and promotion, and it works absolutely. You can get people straight to that sales element. 

Without an audience you can take them straight to offer and start making sales, start generating revenue, and it works. 

The main problem is it costs a lot of money because you haven’t built up an audience, a tribe of people who care about you. 

Instead you’re like buy this, some of them will most of them won’t. Because of that it costs money, a lot of money. 

The other big problem is if you turn off that tap, if you reduce the amount of money you’re spending or stop spending money on advertising, then you stop making sales. 

You are tied to your input which is cash in this particular situation for your output, which is your sales. 

Whereas instead if our input is free information, value, service that is a much more sustainable way to continue making sales even if we are not producing, even if we’re not putting in cash.

Harms: We’re not saying Facebook ads are bad, Google ads are bad YouTube ads are bad. 

We are not saying any of that is bad, we will actually cover those in in future guides as part of tools and techniques. 

What we would prefer you to do is use them as tools but in this sequence. If we build up an audience using the content, messaging, platform, and the consistency those four come first. 

Then we give those four the power of advertising as an additional boost, then it becomes very effective, then it becomes a maximum impact and becomes very powerful. 

But what most people do is they don’t do these four elements, and they just advertise so when you switch the advertising off there’s nothing to fall through. 

Whereas here if there’s time to remove the advertising that’s fine, we got content out there, we’ve got messaging, we got this component of consistent work and time out in the marketplace and we’ve got the platform which we spent a lot of time developing as well.

A note for corona closed businesses

Harms: If you think about when lockdown happened and it came very quickly. 

There were two types of businesses and businesses that had been building an audience and businesses that hadn’t. 

Businesses that hadn’t suddenly had their advertising removed but they had no audience built as a foundation, whereas the other businesses were very quickly able to pivot and, if anything, grow their success of the audience they had built. 

For companies that actually had built an audience, what were the advantages? 

What did the audience give them that the companies that had not built an audience didn’t get?

Kyle: The ones without audiences basically had to go into hibernation as you said, maybe they reduced their spending and not running ads. 

They go into hibernation, but not really making money they’re not growing. 

If you had an audience in place beforehand you could continue to make sales. 

You might need to make some tweaks you might need to go from off-line to online, but you have this group of people you can continue to talk to. You continue to make sales. 

You have the next thing which is flexibility. 

You can go from off-line to online relatively simply if you have this base. 

This asset of an audience already built up. You can also use your reach. 

Let’s say your business lockdown in one country if you are global because of an online audience it’s going to matter less because there are going to be different rates of slowdown in different countries and you are able to again have that diversification and flexibility, moving online. 

We’re not talking about the fact that there are going to be multiple quarantines in the future. 

We’re talking about in general having an audience, having an online arm to a business gives you the reach and flexibility. 

Finally it gives you authority and recognition, and these can be converted into sales and products even if you don’t yet have anything in place.

For example if you’re a coffee shop and usually you rely on people coming in buying coffees and with quarantine that’s off the table, people can no longer do that. But you have the authority and recognition to quickly pivot to deliver through Deliveroo, people already know who you are, they recognise the brand, they will continue to get coffee from you. 

Or you pivot into some online shop selling at home coffee supplies and again you have authority and recognition even if you don’t have the e-commerce infrastructure setup, it gives you just a much more stable foundation for dealing with crises like right now.

Harms: This may seem like a hard and tough message if you were in that business that didn’t build an audience and it’s not meant to be that; it’s just meant to be these are the advantages of having built an audience online. 

Whether you’ve got an off-line shop, whether you’ve got an online business the idea of building an audience is incredible for those four reasons. 

Now we face a slightly different challenge, which is everybody is locked down. 

Everybody has to get off the High Street get and go online but based on two factors we’re seeing people struggling to build an audience online. 

If you take factor one which is a look how long it took without the added competition how long it took Yoga with Adriene two years to get 200,000 subscribers, seven years to get the millions that she’s got now. 

That is time that is not one month in lock down. 

That’s number one. 

It takes an incredible amount of time. 

Number two is it’s going to be even more difficult or even a greater struggle because everybody is coming online. 

If everybody is now coming online, everybody is now fighting or competing to build an audience, you’re also competing with people who already got an audience that’s one element of competition. 

Element or competition number two is you’re competing with other people who are aggressively trying to build an audience online. 

That’s where the struggle can get very, very tricky. If you take one message from this guide once you know your business this audience section is critical.

Kyle: If we do get into a crisis like this again, for whatever reason, having this online structure this online audience is going to help you. 

Even if we don’t hit any crisis like this life is going to be different coming out of this. 

I think people now know we don’t need to be in person as much. 

We can use teleconferencing, you don’t need to jump on a train or plane to go meet people, this is going to change a lot how business works. 

There will also be ramifications for coffee shops, if people have been making coffee at home for the last six months and they’ve realised I can save money by not buying lattes, that’s going to have a ramification for a high street business. 

Same for all businesses.

Harms: The main message is if you are an existing off-line business. 

A gym, café, clothes shop, then please right now, it’s imperative. 

This is more important than ever to start to get yourself online and start to build an audience online. 

If you’re thinking I don’t have seven years or how can I wait two years or three years of four years to do something like what yoga with Adriene’s done, then we have to shift our mindset.

There is a classic cliché which is the best time to plant a tree or an oak tree was 20, 30, 40 years ago and if I saw that oak tree and said I would love to have that for my family to see an oak tree like that in the future or my community, the next best time is today. 

There’s no better time than being in lockdown rather than going into hibernation. 

We go into creation mode and work out how we can start building an audience. 

That is what we are here to help you with this.

What you have learned so far:

  • Understand our marketing system in more detail
  • Learn the principles to cut through the noise
  • Two case studies that embody this principle (new and old)
  • Who this won’t work for
  • Special note on businesses closed due to coronavirus



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