BBO Show with Kyle & Harms


Your eBook- what to write, best structure to use, 3 ways to write it, editing and more


What you’ll learn in today’s show

BBO.SHOW #27 – Your eBook- what to write, best structure to use, 3 ways to write it, editing and more

Hey, thanks for watching today’s show, if you have not yet then…

What you will learn in today’s show:

  • Two determining factors for deciding what your eBook should be about
  • Leveraging your expertise to start the process
  • Using the biggest bookstore in the world as a data research tool
  • Free tools & paid tools to help you work out your topic
  • Laying the foundations for a best seller
  • Plus more

The focus area is: eBook idea.

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Read the transcript instead…


BBO.SHOW #27: Your eBook- what to write, best structure to use, 3 ways to write it, editing and more

Problem solving first

Harms: We’re talking about how to create an ebook from start to finish in order which plugs into the start of your value ladder as an entry point for your potential customers, who will later purchase more expensive products from you.

We have the constituent components of a title from our word frequency analysis using the free tool or paid one.

Kyle: This is giving us a jumble of words and phrases that we can now piece together like a jigsaw into the title of our book and remember we did all this analysis based on one, this is a market that exists. 

Two, this is a category inside Amazon that’s popular and it’s not that competitive, so we can do well here and three, these are the keywords and key phrases that the existing bestsellers in this category are already using. 

All we are doing is following on from the success of other people pulling the data, finding out what already works, and now we’re going to be building that back up using those pieces to build our title, to build our subtitle and build content of our book. 

Again at the touchstone again and again and again is how we solve the problems of the people in the marketplace and it’s not a coincidence that most of the best sellers on Amazon have how to, guide, step-by-step these kinds of phrases in their titles. 

This is the data telling us something we’re on the right track, we’re solving people’s problems, we’re showing them how to do things, giving them a guide, step-by-step guide etcetera to help them achieve their goals. 

Get the result they want.

Harms: If you were to now jot down your outcome on paper you’ll have two things. 

Number one is a title and number two the subtitle. 

What forms a title and subtitle is based on the keyword research. Your title think about it as your main key phrase, the main problem you’re solving and then the subtitle will become how to, or a guide to.

Let’s assume you are starting a business, or you’re talking about helping somebody start a business. How to start a business? 

That will become the main key phrase that becomes a title and the how-to becomes, the subtitle becomes the ultimate step-by-step guide to starting a small business from business plan to scaling up. 

Here we used the phrase guide to and added some additional key phrases based on the research around that. 

Another example is the secrets to writing a successful business plan as the title, the subtitle becomes a pro shares a step-by-step guide to creating a plan that gets results. 

That could also read a pro shares a step-by-step how to process in creating a plan that gets results. 

It’s using again the frequency of keywords that appears most often and that simply means that word appears most often when you take a set of data frequencies.

Kyle:  Both of those examples are real books and these are bestsellers.

Harms: What is the best structure to use? 

What are different ways in which we can actually go ahead and write this book? 

How do we get it edited and everything in between those three headlines, so let’s first start with how do we actually outline the book? 

How do we create an outline of the book because the first thing we’re doing is we understand we’re solving the problem. 

We’ve identified the keywords which have given us clues in which problems people have within each category. 

Now we’re moving to actually working out what the content of the book should be and starting a process of writing it. 

The first question is how do we start?

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Creating an outline

Kyle: I’ve written a few books personally and the worst thing is sitting down to a blank screen with a flashing icon on, it’s the worst, you need to start with an outline because then you can sit down if you are writing it and we’re going to talk about alternatives. 

You can sit down and just write once you have a proper outline in place. 

What we want to try and do is make sure that you have your whole book outlined in great detail so that the actual creation process becomes quite simple. 

Whether you’re writing it or not. 

Again, we’re going to look at three different methods to get the book written so writing an outline is super important. 

Gather up Topics

Kyle: The first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to go back onto Amazon and gather up all the potential topics we could be including in this book. 

Later we’re going to filter through it and see what we’re interested in. 

We know the general thrust of the book, we know what problem we’re solving. We know, hopefully, by now, the title of the book and the subtitle based on those key phrases that we just went through. 

We are looking for topics that now fit under this title. 

What the kind of things people need to know about, the skills. What are the kinds of stories you could be including under this title in order to teach people how to do whatever it is you do, do whatever it is you are an expert in.

Harms: We are giving you essentially a three-step approach in order to create the outline that the first step is to gather up topics, we know what we currently have in place, but we’ll be looking at Amazon.

Kyle: Again, we’ve found our key phrases that work well on Amazon. 

These are linked to certain books, certain bestsellers. These books are already selling in the thousands or hundreds on Amazon, so we do not need to reinvent the wheel. 

We’re going to go back to our category view so if we were writing about how to write a business plan we would go to the business plan category of Amazon and we have a look at the first 10, 20, 30 bestsellers in that particular category.

In particular we are going to use Amazon’s look inside feature, which allows you to see a preview of the book.

Harms: The danger here is that actually you can go ahead and buy lots of books to start to work out what topic other authors in this category talk about.

Kyle: There’s no need to at this point. 

In fact, I would recommend against it. 

What we are suggesting is you use the look inside to see the chapter names. That’s all you need. 

We just want to see what topics they are talking about. 

If you then go ahead and read the book, you’re more likely to start copying their idea, start creating something unoriginal or some people might find they get psychologically overwhelmed. 

Instead, we’re literally looking at the chapter titles. 

We are borrowing these from the top books in the category because these are the topics that are being addressed in the books that are already selling.

Harms: We are not interested in the content of those topics. 

That’s another expert’s content. 

Whereas you must trust that you are also an expert. 

What we’re looking for is topics that are already being discussed, just the headlines here. So extract these topics, these headlines which will get us going and understand what topics are important to the marketplace. 

What topics have other authors in our category started to write about? 

That’s the focus, we’re not interested in what’s inside that chapter we just want the headlines. 

Otherwise it will send you down the path you don’t want to go down, all we want to do is gather up topics.

Kyle: Because you’re an expert in your niche you know about this stuff already you’re going to have your own opinions. 

You’re going to have your own ideas on each of these topics. 

So what’s the point reading the other experts you’re going to waste your time, waste your money. 

You already have the answers.

Harms: Our suggestion is you do the following. 

Get a piece of paper or a word document that you want to use and start to write down. Maybe have a look at 10, 20, 15, 25 books within that category, do the look inside feature. 

Have a look at the contents and now start to write those content topics, the headings down on a piece of paper. 

There may be some overlap, you may find that experts are talking about the same thing. You may find some unique anomalies. 

You may find some things that allow you to think about the areas in which you are aware of but you may have missed completely if you had not done this exercise. 

Then we move onto stage number two.

Structure (good to draw this out)

Kyle: Stage number two is structure. 

We are going to take those topics and start to get them into some kind of order. 

We’re not going to use all the topics and we might even add our own topics. 

The main point of this section is to start to squish them all into an order that makes sense. It’s starting to look more like a book now rather than a series of random topics.

Harms: There are two ways that you may commonly see this when you’re doing the research of the look inside Amazon and other authors and other book writers, especially within expert fields, you may say see that there’s two methods in order to do this. 

Method one is that there is an order somebody has created a sequence. 

Number two is that there are unordered. This will partly depend on what your expertise is, but we have a preference. 

What is our preference and what are the two ways in which they can order their book?

Kyle: My preference maybe this is how I think, but I think in general it’s going to be more useful and structured, it’s to have an order. 

Instead of just saying here’s a bunch of information you need to know in order to learn how to fish instead of just that you’re saying, first you need to know this, then you need to know this, then you need to know this. 

Having a structure, having a pathway through which to guide people through information is always going to make it a lot easier for complete beginners. 

Ordered tends to be a lot better than unordered, but its’ going to depend on your particular niche.

Harms: If we link back to the key phrases that we’ve already determined we’ve got how-to and we’ve got a guide to which sort of paves the way for an ordered structure just by the way the title is. 

What I mean by that is you’re taking somebody from stage A where they are now to B through the middle into the end destination, i.e. the result and where they want to get to.

Kyle: There will be a natural order to most skills to most things you can learn out there.

Harms: If you’re thinking about this for yourself when you’ve got the list of topics, list of content headlines. 

Now what sequential order because authors may have put this into their own order, but what are the steps required within your field of knowledge or expertise that you can start to order these into?

Is there a sequence in regards to how you would like to present your information? And that’s it, so the first method is an ordered sequential approach in which you can start to order these items. 

Again, these are all methodologies and methods when we spoke about course creation. At this stage we’re just thinking simply, how do we order this? 

That’s number one. 

The second way to do this again it’s your choice we’re just giving you the most common outputs. 

This is an unordered method and how would people go about this.

Kyle: For example Mrs Hinch’s house cleaning tips that might be a book that may not be necessarily in order. 

Some people might want to focus on how to clean the bathroom, some people might want to focus on how to clean the kitchen. Some people might want to tidy a garage. While some people want to tidy up a basement there is no necessary order there.

There is no priority so maybe that kind of book will work better as an unordered book because everybody’s going to be approaching that book with their own set of problems. 

If you give it to them in a more unordered approach it allows them to dive in, where they need to. So this will be relevant to some niches. 

The question and answer format works really well here. So basically, having for each chapter title a question like, what’s the best way to clean my bathroom etcetera and then having the information within that chapter.

Harms: That’s the second part of getting your outline together. Number one was gathering up topics. 

Number two is putting those topics into either a sequence, i.e. in order or an unordered method that’s up to you. 

If we tie in with the key phrases our suggestion and preferred method for you which also makes sense, especially within expert knowledge and sharing expert knowledge is a sequence, a step-by-step process. 

That’s the structure now the final part in which to get your outline together is now taking this slightly deeper and getting some more information in place. 

What is that final part for them?


Kyle: We’ve gathered up all our topics. 

We have put them in a rough order in an order structure. Now we want to for each topic that structure, we want to start adding in sub- points. 

The end result for example, let’s say, our first topic, our first chapter is choosing a fishing rod based on our expertise, we automatically would know two or three points we can put in there. 

Sub one might be why you need a good fishing rod, sub two might be what does a good fishing rod look like? Sub three might be okay, how’d you go about choosing a good fishing rod? 

The more sub points you put in and the more sub, sub points you can include the more structured your book is going to be and easier it will be to write later. 

The sub point is how do you choose a good fishing rod for example you might have underneath those three additional points which are it needs to be strong, flexible and you need to be able to pack it up and put it in the back of the car. 

The more detail you can go into at this level the easier it’s going to be to write the book.


Harms: The message here is, the more you can break each topic down and the more fleshed out your outline is the better it’s going to serve you later. 

Now here is an important note we’re not writing the book at this point, we’re not writing sentences, paragraphs we’re just getting an outline.


Kyle: It’s got to be one, two, three-word phrases that’s it. Another objection as well as should I start writing my book now is how long should the book be?

As with most things, the answer is it depends. 

It depends how long it’s going to take for you to solve your reader’s problem? 

How many sections do you need? 

How many chapters? 

How many points are you going to need to make for them to break through and start to solve the problem, so it does depend. 

However, as always that’s never very useful so we’re going to give you at least a rule of thumb, something to work towards. It’s not going to be correct all of the time, but at least it’s something. 

One thing that is good to know, is the minimum on Amazon Kindle is 2,5000 words. 

They’ve actually relaxed this a bit recently, so you can have things that are five pages, but they might bring it back. They’ve always been a bit funny about very short Kindle ebooks because people were just using them to publish sales pamphlets.

Still I wouldn’t bother publishing anything that long because it’s not going to be useful and Amazon might change that again.

As a rule of thumb and this isn’t always going to be right, but we’re going to give you a recommendation, aim for about 65 to 100 Kindle pages. 

The reason for this is this is going to slot you into a relatively new category, Kindle’s short read category.

Short reads are anything between 15 minutes and two hours or four hours to read. That’s the agreed time how long it takes people on average to get through it on their Kindle. 

100 Kindle pages is the maximum here, I’m saying Kindle pages because that would depend how large you have your font on the Kindle. 

When we talk about 100 pages it’s not necessarily the same as a 100-page paperback because a 100-page paperback has its own font size and margin size. 

The number of pages required in the non-fiction book is different to a fiction book, it’s very hard to compare and there are calculators for comparing these things, but it gets extremely complicated. 

We will just stick with these 100 Kindle pages. We want to land in the short-read category because it sells well. 

People don’t read long books as much as they used to anymore. 

This also works in our favour because we are creating a book that is part of a larger business system. We just want to get the book into people’s hands and see the value that we offer and then they can escalate with us to our other forms of value, so this is perfect for us. 

We don’t need to write a 600-page book in order to make our mark which is good news.

Harms: Especially within this non-fiction category. 

Remember we are not writing a literary novel we are focusing on getting a point and information across to solve somebody’s problem and remember one mechanism is to differentiate yourself from the competition. 

Speed is one of those methods. 

How quickly you can get your end customer a result will also be a big factor, if you can get somebody a result in the recommended less than 100 pages in the short read, that’s a bonus and it’s also a good starting point.

The aim here is not creating a three, four, 500-page book, if we can get into the short-read category and get into our selected categories, now we get an additional category that we can feature. 

That is a big win especially in a place like Amazon and especially in a new category section like short reads.

It makes it more consumable and more accessible to people

Kyle: It’s just what the market wants, so there’s no reason in going against that. 

Plus if you are able to show somebody how to do what you do, if you’re able to solve the problem in a shorter amount of time why would you need three to four times the pages?

Harms: When talking about the length of the book that should give you a benchmark, let’s fall into the small category and find a balance within that category as well. 

Not being too short, not hitting the 2501-word limit, try to stay within a short-read category.

We want to land at the high end of the short reads category so the data is showing that we want to land in the short reads category, so you have less than 100 pages, but the ones that have closest to the 100 pages as possible they sell a lot better than the shorter short reads. 

You want a long, short read if that makes sense. 

Kyle: 100 pages roughly there are 250 to 300 words per Kindle page. If you are typing in Word for example, that means that 100 Kindle pages will be somewhere between 25,000 and 30,000 words. 

That’s the word limit that we are going for.

Writing the book: 3 alternatives

Harms: How do we actually write the book itself?

Now we’ve got an outline, topics, subtopics, the subtopics of the subtopics, we understand how long the book should be it’s all here on a piece of paper, and we’re getting closer to creating our value ladder. 

Now comes the daunting task of actually writing the book, so we’ve got three ways in which you can and again it’s up to you three different ways in which you can go ahead and write the book. 

All have their different pros and cons associated with them, and then you will find which is more comfortable for you. Kyle what are these three alternatives?

Kyle: The three are going to be you write it yourself, the second is going to hire somebody to write it for you, and the third is there’s no writing but you speak the book and then you convert that to text. 

These are the three main methods.

Harms: Let’s get started with the most obvious which is to write the book yourself but the reality is it will take you longer to write. 

If you go ahead and decide to use this first method, the most obvious one, which is to write it yourself, I will say set yourself a consistent schedule which you can be held accountable for and it could be a daily schedule, weekly schedule. 

That’s one way to do it now. 

Another suggestion is to make sure you stay consistent is to get yourself a writing buddy or a writing accountability buddy.

Kyle: The second method is we hire a writer and so whether it’s a ghost-writer or freelancer, you’re hiring somebody.

You’re handing them the outline you’ve given them a brief and then they’re going off and doing the work for you. 

The previous one, writing yourself let’s say you did manage to set a schedule of writing 1,000 words a day that will take you a month to do. 

It’s fine, but maybe you don’t have that time so hiring a writer is a sensible thing to do because this is a professional writer, this is what they and because we’ve given them all of this prep work.

We should be able to get a very high quality result.

We’ve done most of the groundwork for making sure this is a successful book already. It’s working out what the market is that’s based on your business niche.

We’ve spoken about business and made sure there is a market you know what problem it is you’re solving the market. 

You’ve translated this into categories on Amazon, you’ve then looked at the books that are already performing really well on Amazon and we’ve pulled information from them. 

We know what key phrases they rank; we’ve used this to build a title, subtitle, and also to borrow the topics that we then spoke about in our outline. 

The outline is really the written documentation of all this work, the outline you’re handing over to that writer is all of that groundwork encapsulated into, first write about this, then this and this. We know based on our groundwork that this is going to resonate with the market and it’s going to be of interest.

Harms: Because the alternative is you hand it to a writer and you say I haven’t done any of this prep work, but this is a topic I will like you to write about. 

Can you crack on and write me a book?

Kyle: You can do that but it’s going to cost you a hell of a lot more because they are going to have to go and research and draw out that outline and even then they’re probably not going to check if it’s a market that actually makes sense for you.

Harms: From a writer’s point of view all of that groundwork you’ve done upfront is incredibly useful and incredibly helpful and will make everything more efficient. 

So the actual writing of the book becomes a lot more efficient for them because of all of the groundwork.

Talk to us about cost Kyle because and based on our research and having paid writers in the past how much does this cost? 

Because somebody would initially think this is going to be really expensive.

Kyle: Again, we’re reducing the costs because we have an outline already, the costs will also include things like proofreading after it’s been created. 

You get what you pay for with a writer. 

If you want a native speaker it costs more, if you want a subject matter expert that’s going to cost more. 

For something like business plans it’s quite technical you would probably want somebody who has that subject level expertise that is going to cost more. It’s again going to depend but in general it’s less expensive than you assume, there is a lot of supply of freelance writers. 

There’s a lot of people out there who want to write for cash. 

It’s quite an appealing job so there are a lot which is good for you as somebody who wants a book written. 

In terms of getting prices the best thing you can do is going to upwork and post your brief and you don’t need to post your whole outline, and people can send you quotations. On Upwork for a native speaker I’d expect maybe £1,000, or a couple of thousand dollars for that work. 

There are also places like or text brokers, where again you would send them your basic outline and they charge per hundred words generally. 

Bookwy starts at $30 per thousand words which would mean a 30,000-word book would be $900, so £700.

Harms: That’s probably an entry-level point.

Kyle: That would be one of the lowest level writers. 

I think the top-level writers are about $500 for every thousand words that will end up costing you $15,000.

That will end up costing a lot more but I guess what you’re getting there is a quality writer, more research, effort, time, and I imagine visions as well. You can go back and forth with them because that is a full-on project.

Right now we just need something that is sitting at the beginning of our value ladder. 

We don’t need to spend $15,000 on it. 

It’s not going to require that much research as we’ve already done a lot that we’ve done the outline so we should be able to get away with the lower level.

Harms: Yes, if that was your end product. 

If that e-book was the only thing you’re selling, then it’s arguable. 

Whereas remember, the e-book is the first entry point as part of the business value ladder as part of introducing your customer to a later service. Your service could be £1,000. 

Your service as a product could be £300, so think about this e-book and any investment you pay today as an investment that will be later liquidated as part of this business value ladder, that’s critical. 

It’s easier for your customer to enter and discover you via a £10 e-book than your £1,000 service, but one client in this example could liquidate the cost of purchasing the e-book, your second client now takes you into profit. 

That’s the way to approach this and anybody who started a business or involved in business will understand that there will be some requirement of investment in assets in advance whether it’s time or whether it’s financial investment. 

But because of the business model itself not becoming an author but selling a product or service later down the line or subscription that will start to liquidate all of this investment upfront. 

No different to investing and taking a loan out and starting up a shop. 

The product sales will start to pay that loan back and liquidate those original investment costs, it’s the same principle but on a smaller scale and in a digital asset. 

What’s the third option Kyle in order to get our book written?

Kyle: In this option nothing is getting written. 

We don’t want to write the book ourselves and we don’t necessarily have the cash to invest to get someone else to write it, that’s fine. So the third option here is to record. 

We record the book. We use our voice and speak the contents of the book instead. 

This is actually our personal preference; this is what we do with the BBO show. We have a system in the background which is creating e-books based on the content that we are producing through our discussions on this show. 

Part of the reason for this is that we can speak way faster than we can write and it’s phenomenally quicker. 

The average speaking speed is between 150 and 200 words per minute, let’s say 150, so 30,000 words which is the length of the e-book we’re going for will take about 200 minutes to speak. 

That’s just over three, the ability to get the information out of your head, which is where it is right now and into the world is just much faster if you’re speaking.

Harms: The reason we prefer this method is it’s so much quicker and if you think about yourself as an expert within your niche, you’re often going to be very good at speaking about the subject. 

That’s probably what you do on a daily basis where it’s a sales call , speaking to a client. Whether you are explaining something to a staff member. Whether you are having coffee with somebody talking about your business. Whether you’ve done a public speaking spot. 

This mechanism is where you communicate vocally about what you do, we’re going to take this vocal ability that you have to be able to talk about your business and turn it into text by recording your book and that’s the key. 

We’re not focusing on doing that via a script we’re going to be using the work that we’ve done up to this point, which is leveraging your outline. 

You’re not going to be writing a script because that defeats the purpose of this if you had written a script essentially you’ve written a book. 

We’re going to leverage the fact that we are experts and we know what we’re talking about within our outline, within our subcategories within our sub- subcategories that all come from us.

What’s the mechanism? How are we going to do this?

Converting to text

Kyle: The basic thing we’re going to be doing is going through our outline speaking to each of the areas within our outline. 

Don’t need a script again, we are fluent when we are in the spoken domain, we’re able to talk about what it is our expertise is in. 

We’re not talking about just recording an audiobook, audiobooks are recorded from script. 

We don’t have a script, we have an outline so what we’re trying to do right now is just get the information out of our heads and into text. 

There are two main technical ways we can do this, the first one is talking directly to a computer and using a tool like Dragon Dictate or Google Docs has its own dictation.

Harms: Microsoft word has an incredibly accurate dictation tool as well.

Kyle: You can also dictate to Siri on the iPhone. 

Voice recognition technologies have come in leaps and bounds in the last few years. 

In this method, we are literally talking to the computer or our phone whether it’s word or Dragon Dictate and recording our ideas on that particular topic.

Harms: You start to see the text literally on the page start to form through your words and it’s incredibly accurate nowadays. 

So that’s one way to do it.

One way to do it is to dictate direct to text dictation speaking, you speak in the mic the software will convert that to text. 

Another method in which to do this is a way that myself and Kyle actually use is leveraging the power of a pre-recorded podcast or video. Let’s tell you an example of what we do. 

If you see the BBO show it’s a live video show we then pull a pre-recorded which is the show itself video file that can be turned into two things. 

One it can be turned into an audio file which gets turned into a podcast. The next thing it can be turned into is text, so again, you can take a tool like Dragon Dictate or there are other tools on the market as well. 

You put this file whether it’s an audio podcast, live show you put this file into the software, and just as if you are speaking to it, it extracts the voice and audio from the file itself and then turns that into text. 

Again incredibly powerful and it’s probably going to take slightly longer than the first method because what we’re doing now is we’ve recorded live, so rather than getting a live dictation we’re waiting for the software to turn this into text and the software is extremely quick at doing this.

Kyle: The reason this works really well is because it increases the fluency as we’re having a conversation. 

If you are having a live conversation you still get the information out of your head it’s just going to be a lot faster, a lot more natural that if you were talking to a computer. 

That’s why we personally use it, but it’s up to you.

Harms: Now let’s assume that you’ve used one of those methods. 

Whether it’s live dictation or you’ve done a pre-recorded audio and you convert that into text. 

Now let’s talk about the actual text process you’ve now got a download of all of this text and most software will give you the text they won’t split the paragraph, they won’t split the speakers. 

That’s not book ready, we’re going to have slurs, repeated words, we’re going to talk about things off topic. 

Kyle, what do we do with it next?

Kyle: We need to then go back to that text and we have this huge amount of information and text we need to sculpt that into the written word. 

However, this is much easier to do than if we were starting from a blank page. 

You need that starting material and it’s a lot easier to edit down than it is to create from scratch, so at least we have something to start with. 

There are two types of transcription. One called verbatim, which will include stutters, ums and ahs repetitions, et cetera and then there is edited transcription which will take out those verbal tics. 

The second thing that we have to do is remove certain things that still get left in by the computer. 

For instance, the fact that I start a lot of sentences with so and then the sentence that’s not very pretty on the written page. 

It’s okay when someone is speaking it’s not great English, but it’s okay. You need to know what your own verbal tics are at that point, I know mine is so, so I would search for ‘so’ which is how it shows up in the transcript and cut them all out. 

From this we have a more or less clear transcript we’ve removed a lot of the egregious ums and ahs, we then send this to an editor to go through and to make sure the paragraphs are in the right place. 

Start to convert the spoken language into written language they can at least edit from this point they’re not writing from scratch. 

If you are hiring someone at this point it’s going to be a lot more cost-effective a lot cheaper than if you started by just hiring a writer at the gate.

Harms: In this final stage we’re converting the spoken language into written language, so when somebody reads it, it is way more familiar because the two forms are different. 

If you read spoken language on a written paper it can seem unfamiliar to you. We want to get as close to a familiar book for the end user as possible.

An editor can do this and again the prices range to find an editor, you can go to somewhere like upwork go Fiverr, or you can have somebody in house that you trust. 

Essentially what we’re looking for is somebody who can clean up the transcript, we’re not looking for a literary professional finished novel piece, we’re just looking for something that can be published and act as an entry point for customers. 

That’s why we use this whole process we want speed. We want to get more content out, we want to get more ebooks out, we want to be solving more problems and by solving problems we in turn can help more people in turn they help us by being attracted to our business. 

The best way to attract people to our business is to solve as many people’s problems as possible and the only way we can do that especially if you’re a small outfit or individual business owner, entrepreneur, the best way to do that is by leveraging systems and those systems can give you speed and as much speed as possible. 

So today is one of those systems, so wrapping up we’ve covered lots and an incredible amount. 

We’ve taken our title and subtitle and we’ve used that to kickstart our content creation. 

What actually goes in the book and the way we do that is first by putting together an outline and that outline we have three stages in order to get that outline in shape. 

We’ve got number one, we spoke about getting all the topics looking at other authors, getting those topics down, then getting that book into an ordered structure or an unordered structure depending on your mechanism. 

Then within that getting subheadings and subtitles that gets our outline in place then we go on to the writing phase. 

We know how long the book is going to be, now we go on to writing the book and we shared three ways in which you can write the book.

Either write it yourself, either dictate it or get somebody else to write it for you. 

Those are three ways in which we did it and within each stage we’ve also given you our preferred method in which gives you the greatest speed to get you the greatest output. 

That’s the key here and essentially by the end of this process you’re going to have a manuscript. 

You’re going to have the core of the book; you’re going to have a book which is now ready to be published.

What you have learned so far:

  • Two determining factors for deciding what your eBook should be about
  • Leveraging your expertise to start the process
  • Using the biggest bookstore in the world as a data research tool
  • Free tools & paid tools to help you work out your topic
  • Laying the foundations for a best seller



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