BBO Show with Kyle & Harms


Learn how to make money online using your existing Creative skills


What you’ll learn in today’s show

BBO.SHOW #9 – Learn how to make money online using your existing Creative skills


Hey Harms & Kyle here, thanks for watching today’s show.

What you will have learned in today’s show:

  • 5 ways to make money from leveraging your creative skills
  • Discover some unknown ways to make money online
  • Plus more

The focus area is: online income generation using your creative skills and qualifications.

Important links

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Read the transcript instead…


BBO.SHOW #9: Learn how to make money online using your existing Creative skills

Harms: We’re focusing on creative areas in order to make money online.

If you’re thinking in context of what?

Well we have been focusing on tools and techniques and ways that you can generate an income online, especially whilst we’re in lockdown.

We’re leveraging the research that Kyle has done on a list of over exactly 200 and ways of making money online.

The focus has been extracting this list but making it actionable for you in different categories.

Those categories have been number one, is how do we start to make money with no skill required whatsoever?

Low thought energy applied that was the focus early on.

Then we focused on how we leverage our language skills, so how do we leverage the fact that we can speak English and leverage everything from teaching online, tutoring online. Then we focused on how to leverage our professional skills.

If you’ve got a qualification such as an ACCA charter ship in accountancy?

What if you are an expert in the HR department?

All of these amazing professional skills that people bring to the table can actually generate revenue from that online and we showed you a whole bunch of ways in order to do that.

There’s more on the list but we highlighted some categories for you to get started.

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Fiverr/Upwork/People per hour/Flexjobs/Solidgigs

Now we are talking about the creative method.

How do we leverage our creative skills that we have art, music, writing, plus more in order to generate revenue online? 

Kyle: We are calling it creative but there’s a lot of overlap nowadays for a lot of people, creative work is their profession.

What we’re talking about will still have elements of the professional, about finding gigs, about potentially finding jobs in the creative industry. 

It is also more open to people who have a hobby or they do a craft and they’re looking to monetise that down the line.

Harms: The list is endless and this week we’ve had the logo created for the BBO show, so that is somebody out there in the world who has created something using their creative skills and it’s in their field of pixel art.

This is a pixel artist.

That person for example, has been at home leveraging his skill set, which is a pixel artist very niche and made some cash. 

We paid between £50 and £70 to create a logo for us. That’s an example of somebody else leveraging the online world to make money from their creative skill.

What other areas would you say fall into this category?

Kyle: When people think of creativity they’re thinking, art and design. 

Yes, we are going to cover those, but we’re also talking about music, craft, photography, stock photography is amazing.

Even if you are not a photographer we will be going through a lot of different things depending on what your particular creative skill is though it’s hard for us to cover absolutely every facet of monetising creativity.

We will be talking at the end of each section about how you would find the particular services and the particular websites for your particular niche.

We talked previously about freelance writing, which is mainly writing for businesses who need content, they need blog content, they need editorial content.

There’s less of a market for writing poetry for example for creative writing, but there still are some on Fiverr.

We will cover those things

Harms: But essentially this is very much a case of right now we’re not focused on building an entire business off your creative skill set.

This is actually what can I do immediately leveraging some tools and techniques off the big list of income generation ways to actually generate cash.

Kyle: Fiverr, Upwork, People per hour, Flexjobs, Solidgigs

There are marketplaces out there where you can go and you can pick up gigs so they tend to be short-term gigs, like logo design.

That’s something where we will work with this guy for a couple of weeks and we pay him £50 or whatever, and he does four hours of work.

There are lots of websites on there which are basically marketplaces where you can either look for jobs that you know you can fulfil or you can post a profile up there with the skills you bring to the table and the services you provide.

Most of these will be digitally produced and delivered, so it won’t necessarily be things like doing an oil painting of this landscape photo

Harms: Or creating a wedding card. It is going to be digital.

Kyle: I recommend you just go to Fiverr and have a look at the different categories because it’s massive. Any service you provide will be in here.

Make sure you have a good representation of your portfolio on Fiverr, if you are doing graphics, graphic design, or illustration. 

Obviously, you can put them in your portfolio and that’s going to be really important.

Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer are fantastic because they have everything.

If I’m a business owner and I need to hire creatives to help with my brand it’s great, I can get anything I want from there. From your side, though, as a creative, maybe you want to be on a website that isn’t everything.

It’s just for designers to find clients for example, or just for film and post production editors.

There are industry specific sites which might be better for your needs. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t post on general sites like Fiverr as well as your creative industry specific sites.

These sites will be a mix of job boards so businesses are looking for certain skills and they want to hire you, as well as the ability for you to post your profile, post your portfolio and pick up work that way.

Harms: Here we are saying it’s a mix of things but here we are saying they’re looking for somebody who can do this and then you apply for that particular job, and you may be bidding and competing with a few other people.

So that’s the difference Dribble, 99 designs, and that’s very good for design work.

What about music and films?

Kyle: There’s a bunch in music, sound better is probably the biggest one. 

It got purchased by Spotify so it’s to help artists and engineers get work which can then help the music industry.

It tends to be session work, so if you are a session musician you can pick up gigs there. They also have jobs for engineers and post production as well.

Film and editing it would be, creative cow and production hub. Super old-fashioned websites and creative cow.

Harms: That’s if you want to apply for a job posting.

What’s another place that a creative person can go seek out work or have work come to them?

Kyle: There are competition websites where these are particularly good if you are just moving into the space.

If you are a freelancer and you want to start building up your portfolio. These are a good way to kind of practice with real clients and hopefully get paid but you’re not always going to get paid.

The basic of these types of sites is a client, business for example, will go onto the website and say I want a logo, these are my requirements.

Then lots of people will design a very basic version of that logo and the client will choose which designer they want to work with. 

And then from there you will go on and do some revisions for them, so you are up against all the other designers, so it’s a competition in that sense.

There is a chance you just won’t get paid.

Harms: If you’re starting a new business or for example you’re a coach or a graphic designer and one of the great tips to get started is just go out onto social media.

Or to your friends, network and say, look, I’m giving away five free services, or five free logos, five free CV designs. 

Whatever the creative art is here and that becomes your portfolio and potentially also allows you to gain reviews off the back of that as well.

That’s the trade-off there.

I’ll give you a free design for a review but also, can I keep this and present this as part of my portfolio.

This is a nice modern online way to do that and keep you busy because you may not have explored this before and you may say that cash is okay, but this is a nice way for me to put my creative work out there knowing somebody is going to be critiquing it.

Looking at it and potentially could be using it for their business or product.

Kyle: And if you win you do get paid so 99 designs for example, they have different competition levels and depending on which level the client pays for more designers will design a logo or illustration or whatever it is, there’s a huge category range.

Let’s say I buy the bronze package. I’m a client. I want a logo and I buy bronze that costs me $300. 

Harms: X amount of people allowed to do work for that particular project.

Kyle:  And then the person I choose will get $200.

99 designs for example they take about 30% it varies but if you do get chosen you do take home about 70% of what the client has paid, so it’s pretty good if you do win.

But the best way to approach it is yes, if I win, fantastic, that’s great. If I don’t then I’m building my portfolio.

I think that’s the only way to go into this without getting frustrated because if you keep applying to competitions and keep not being chosen, I imagine, it’s very disheartening.

So instead use it as a learning process and as an ability to build up your portfolio.

Harms: That’s contest sites.

One is websites like Fiverr where you can post your work.

Industry specific gig sites

Harms: Number two is industry specific, so there are websites like Fiverr but they’ll post job boards, but they are very much industry specific, so if you’re in the industry you may be aware of it.

If you are now transitioning out of a career this may be a great place to start to get some cash and get some work in.

Number three are contest sites, so I imagine our suggestion would be just do all three. There’s no reason not to do all three because you never know when that cash is going to come in for each of those areas. 

Kyle: What we are going to talk about now are websites and services where you can produce something and that is then sold from now on, so you create a design, you create website templates, whatever it is, that asset is then sold from that point onwards.

This is a different business model.

Previously we were working for time we put in our time, effort, and skills we get payment. 

Now these next ones are going to be we create something and whatever we create we don’t know if we’re going to make any money from it, but we put it on these websites on these services.

If people buy it. We then take-home cash from it.

Harms: It is like making passive income off a digital asset.

You do the work once and you continuously get paid.

There’s going to be a lot of variables in terms of it’s not the same as for example a property where a tenant pays you every month or as per agreement, it may be more frequent than that. It may be in short spurts and spells; it could be paid once a month on the exact date.

It is completely variable based on the customer and based on how the platform actually positions where you sit, and there’s different ways that they will incentivise you, different ways that they will position your piece of work on there.

It’s great especially as well if you already have a bank of work that may be sitting there, that you may have thought this isn’t going to make any money or I have to physically go out myself and sell it.

I have to be the sales and marketing machine to sell my work.

If you’ve got a big portfolio of work already these areas we’re going to explore may be somewhere where you say, I’ve got all this work if I upload it, potentially I can get paid passively off the back of that.

Kyle: It is a different model from getting paid for your time.


Harms: So the first one we’ve got is art and design.

Kyle: There are quite a few for design.

I’ve pulled this one out because it also includes art, but there is a barrier between the two, but society six which is the name of this website is really cool because you can actually upload your fine art prints. Your fine art work that you’ve done and they have a market for that.

The basic idea with this website, and with a lot of websites we’re going to be talking about is you create something you upload a digital version.

Whether that’s going to be a PDF or maybe a photoshop file, whatever it is you upload that to their service, and then they will sell that to their clients.

In the case of society six they will take your designs and they will print them on to various items. They also do it with prints which go on walls, cushions. They print onto furniture which I found amazing.

They will take your designs, your artwork and they can put on too many, many, many different formats. They deal with the printing they deal with shipping.

All you need to do is upload your files and if customers come to the website like that stuff, they will go ahead and purchase it.

Society six deals with everything else and gives you a cut.

For them it’s relatively low.

They give you 10% of the sale. However, if it’s a table that costs a couple hundred dollars with your design printed on it then you take home a decent chunk of cash. 

That’s just one that I wanted to highlight because it gives us an introduction to how this process works, you upload your artwork in a high-quality digital format and they will find different things to put it on and then market it to the public.

Instead of printing onto physical objects they sell through your designs, whatever you’ve created.

I’ve used the creative market in particular to download templates for PowerPoint. 

When we have done courses in the past. We wanted it to look flash so we spent a bit of money getting these pre-built templates.

Harms: Potentially you could be designing for a business like ours who needs templates or presentations.

Kyle: It might be a website template; it might be a template for a brochure that they also sell fonts, logos but the creative market allows you to upload your design files, your photoshop files, whatever it is directly onto their site.

When somebody makes a purchase, you get 30% of whatever that purchase is.

I wanted to highlight these two as they are slightly different.

Society six takes your digital file and then they stick it onto physical objects and send the physical objects out, whether it’s a phone case or a chest of drawers.

Creative market sells your digital files so if you’ve created a PDF template they will sell it to somebody and then give you 30%.

Harms: If you’ve got digital products or templates, or you’ve got cracking PowerPoint presentations or keynote presentations as a structure, then think about somewhere like this about uploading it.

You may have all of this already sitting on a hard drive and you just haven’t leveraged it, you didn’t realise that you could make some cash from it.

The next place we want to cover is music.


You may be at home for two, three, four weeks, that’s another few weeks to now explore your music profession and potentially make some cash from it.

Kyle: Previously we looked at sound better, which is gigs and you’d be hired to produce a piece of music or to play an instrument for a certain gig.

What we’re talking about now is you produce content and then you upload it to a website and people will purchase it to use in their TV, film and I imagine a lot of it will be in ads and commercials.

People can purchase your music, a licence to it for using their own creative work. Very similar to if you’re on the creative market, but we are uploading audio files instead of


Harms: Again, niche is probably a good idea here.

If there is somebody who has got a particular sound in mind if your search term is relatable to that, they can quickly pick that up and find it easily amongst all of the other items that may be on there.

Essentially, what we’re saying is they just upload it and how does somebody get paid here?

Kyle:  It is a license fee and then they’re given a royalty based on that licence. It’s probably 70%, so the 70, 30 split tends to be standard.

If you do want to find out how much you get paid a lot of the time, you can just type in the name of the company and then literally how much pay or what percentage

Harms: Put that into Google and you’ll get an answer.

Kyle: All of these websites will have that information on it.

So if they’re asking you to sign up as a contributor as an artist, they will tell you what the terms are before you go on it. 

The concept here is that the music you upload and then you get paid, whether it’s a licence fee, whether it’s via royalty, if it’s a one-off.

Whether they pay you every time it’s used will depend on their specific service, but the key here is if you’ve got again, a music bank or thinking it’s a great time for me to produce music per their spec and you have that skill set, then by all means it’s another avenue for you to explore.

Now we’re talking about photography.


Kyle: This is cool even if you are not a professional photographer or especially if you’re not a professional photographer, you can get paid.

Basically, there are stock photo services in the world. Stock photos are just photos held in stock to be used by businesses, websites, etcetera.

We use them a lot when we’re designing websites because we need images and we’re not going to go out and say I need a picture of London like a red telephone box. I’m not going to go out and find a red telephone box and take photos.

I’m going to look and see what’s available online. If I have to spend a few dollars to get that fine, it’s made my life as a website designer a lot easier.

This will be the same for businesses every time you see a business brochure from a great big bank or something, they’re probably not going out and taking all the photos.

They would use a stock photo.

There are some big names here.

There is Shutterstock, Getty, who have historically been a massive photography bank.

Harms: Every celebrity for example, a picture you see online has a Getty logo in the corner.

Kyle: All of this is relevant to video as well.

So stock photos and stock video. 

I’m going to talk about Shutterstock in particular because it’s one of the largest. The basic process is you apply. You send them 10 photos. They’re not looking for artistic beauty. They’re not looking for perfect composition.

They just want to see that you competently can handle a camera that it’s not massively overexposed or blurry or whatever, they’re filtering out the complete crap.

The whole point of stock photos is if I’m creating a website I don’t necessarily want something that’s massively creative and artsy because the more subjectivity and the more artistic interpretations being put into that image itself, the less useful it is for me to stick on the header of the website.

Harms: You want something relatively generic

Kyle: Which is why I am saying you do not need to be a high-end artistic photographer to send stock photos into the services.

A lot of the time the things we do well you’d look at the photo and think it’s rubbish, but for whatever reason it has a business use, it has a market.

That’s where the money is not necessarily a beautiful image.

Shutterstock in particular have different ways for clients, for their customers to access the photos. They try to push people into a subscription so you pay let’s say $30 a month, and you get access to hundred photos per month.

You can also buy photos on demand.

They’re the two main models.

If your photo is chosen as part of the subscription you get a relatively small amount about $0.25 that goes up the more you sell, I think it goes up to about 40 or $0.50 once you’re at a higher level.

If somebody picks your photo directly you get about a dollar 40, a dollar 50 one off.

The trick here is to have a lot of photos, a lot of photos that get chosen, the popular photos get more popular.

Harms: We are not going to be hanging this in a gallery, so don’t think about it like from that artistic perspective, we’re thinking about uploading photographs that are practical, usable, and can appear in a marketing document.

Kyle: Shutterstock is apparently the one that pays the best and some of the sites have exclusivity, so normally we would just upload to everything. 

Check the terms and conditions. Upload to as many as you can and upload in volume.

There’s nothing really stopping you from just uploading all of your holiday snaps of Italian Streets or whatever it is.

The main work is tagging and adding descriptions and meta data which does take time, so maybe you don’t want to do 10,000.

If you are taking photos of people, make sure you get a release from them otherwise you cannot sell the photo.

Harms: The best thing to do is go check out Shutterstock to see what we mean by generic and simple, usable, and practical versus artistic. 

But also the final finish of these photos is also great.

Kyle: Also drone footage sells really well, or at least it did about six months ago. Probably still does because it is relatively uncommon.

Harms: Photography is another method and that’s great as it’s accessible to not only everybody with amazing photography skills, but somebody who’s maybe a hobbyist and never really understood how to make some cash from it.

This may be a great place to start.

T shirts/Merch

Harms: The next one looks cool which is T-shirts and merchandise.

Kyle: It is similar to things like society six where you send in a design and it’s printed on different things, which are then shipped to people around the world. 

T-shirts, hoody’s, phone cases, etcetera most of these companies we’re going to be talking about now started with T-shirt printing, but then expanded and printed on most accessories.

There’s a red bubble, there is tee-spring, there’s Tee-Mill and thread less, which are all similar. Red bubble is the most expansive, they will print anything on anything.

Unlike society six where it’s going to be really beautiful designs.

Here there’s going to be a lot of film and TV inspired, lots of pop culture. 

It tends to be more poppy graphic design rather than art per se, so different markets go and have a look and see what’s there.

A lot of Japanese inspired anime and manga stuff.

The reason I wanted to talk about these ones in particular, rather than just lump them in with society six is a couple years ago on-demand T-shirt printing was the centre of basically a get rich quick scheme.

And yes, you can absolutely make money on using T-shirts and printing on things, but you’re not going to retire on a beach immediately just by designing one T-shirt.

The business model is absolutely fantastic here, it’s called print on demand.

It is very different to how most manufacturing is done.

Let’s say I want to print T-shirts with a logo on it. 

I would have to print 10,000, 20,000 at a time to make it economically viable. However, the problem with that is I then have 20,000 T-shirts sitting in a warehouse, it costs me money to keep them in the warehouse. 

It costs me money to ship them out and it costs me money upfront.

The reason it’s done is because the per unit cost is only cheap when you print a large amount. If you were to print one T-shirt at a time it’s normally cost prohibitive.

However there are businesses like Red bubble, Tee-spring, Tee-Mill who have worked out how to print off individual T-shirts and one at a time cost effectively. That opened up the print on demand revolution.

Where when somebody orders your T-shirt with your logo design on it. Only then is that T-shirt printed.

So there is no inventory, there is no upfront cost.

What it means is it’s a relatively expensive T-shirt, but it means you have no risk on your side as a creator, you don’t have 20,000 printed T-shirts in your living room. 

A blank T-shirt is about $10 to print and ship from tee-spring, which is a lot for a T-shirt.

If I were to print 10,000 T-shirts that would be no less than a dollar each. So Tee-spring makes their cut there. They’re charging you a lot to print and ship that T-shirt to your customer.

But you can charge what you want for that T-shirt.

If you set your T-shirt price at $25 tee-spring would take their $10 to print it and ship it and then you pocket $50.

You can see from a business model point of view why everyone got really excited, it’s like there is no risk because I don’t need to have a business and overheads, warehouses. 

There is no capital investment. I just make $15 every time I sell my $25 t-shirt.

From a business point of view it’s great but the problem was everyone saw that’s a really good business and they rushed in with their T-shirt designs.

It meant the supply of recall design T-shirts and phone cases rose through the roof and discoverability, the ability to be found and sell T-shirts became quite difficult.

A lot of people rushed into it expecting to get very rich very quickly and then they didn’t sell anything.

I wanted to highlight them because for a lot of creative people in graphic design and illustration this will be an obvious route to go down if you do designs. It still works as a business model, but it’s a very busy market, you need to be aware of this.

Thankfully, it doesn’t cost you any money to get started, it’s just uploading your designs which is great.

What I would say is this is really powerful if it is combined with you building up an audience with you building a tribe, however you do that.

You might have a podcast, maybe you have a heavy metal band or something and you want to sell T-shirts, absolutely fine if you have these existing people who are interested in what you do.

Just be aware of just thinking you can start printing T-shirts and you’re going to get rich; people need to care about other things you are doing as well.

Harms: If you do have an audience, if you have a community then you may want to introduce this to them.

Also print on demand applies to books to T-shirt applies to merchandise, so we often meet clients who are not aware that that is even a thing.

They’re thinking, okay I’ve got to order this many books in order to sell them, not necessarily the case.

That is the traditional model.

Just leverage websites are marketplaces like this that provide a print on demand service, which hopefully should save you a lot of cash and capital risk going in.

Kyle: I just talked about building up an audience, building a tribe and then you can sell t-shirts, merchandise, etcetera.

If you are genuinely extremely creatively talented.

One thing I’ve seen working really well is using things like patreons and using twitch to create live in front of people and show people how you’re making things.

This is an artist called Asia. 

She does anime or manga art, she’s extremely talented. She’s just published a book which is called Sketch with Asia.

What she does, which is really cool is she has a twitch channel where she will draw stuff live like this, she will go through the processes and show people how she does it.

She’s educating at the same time as creating.

She is getting suggestions from her community. 

She’s then live doing these images on a computer while streaming them onto twitch building up this audience, and then she has a patreon here where she gets paid and you can join up for a dollar a month, five dollars a month for $10 a month.

She has 590 patrons, so minimum if they’re all on this one that’s $500 a month.

Maximum that’s $6,000 a month.

Harms: There are lots of ways now to support artists whether they’re professionals, creative artists, music artists, illustrators like this, and you want to be able to support them.

What features does she offer her members?

Kyle: The basic one, if you give a dollar a month, you get additional access to some of her work. It is extremely basic, at the five dollars it starts to become more interesting, you have things like these process steps.

She does these guided walk through videos but then she also uploads process steps, it’s for people who want to start to emulate her work. 

They want to learn how to draw themselves and a photoshop layered file of digital pieces, scanned, lined art.

So you can try to colour yourself, photograph all the tools she uses for each illustration. It’s more in-depth information about her process and how she creates a sequence.

She’s just published a book and that’s an example of basically, a creative. 

She doesn’t show her face or anything like that, it’s just her creating her art and doing that live.

If you are a musician, video editor, graphic designer, and illustrator that’s another nice way you could start to build up an audience, community and you can potentially monetise your creativity.

This is less about the end result, which is what we’ve been talking about, selling the end result of your creation, this is more about giving people access to the process of your creation.


Harms: Finally we can’t avoid it, which is Etsy because it’s a place where you can find everything, every quirky thing out there.

Kyle: It is a giant marketplace for crafted and hand made goods. It could be knitted pieces, woodwork figurines. It could be hand painted gift cards.

There are markets for pretty much anything that is created through craft and art, so if you do have any craft skill you can produce and sell it on Etsy.

They’ve started to allow digital products, which seems like a weird way for them to go so they have e-books on there now. To be fair, the e-books are about how to do hand weaving, so they are related to craft.

The categories are just wild.

One thing to be very aware of is shipping as you need to ship these things.

If you are making something that’s heavy you’d have add on shipping prices. Also be cautious of the costs associated with selling on Etsy.

I was looking into them, they seem quite a lot, but basically every time you list something you need to pay $0.20, American cents, and that lasts for up to four months.

But if you’re running a massive shop if you are selling hundreds of different items that’s going to add up.

They also take a 5% transaction fee of any successful sale, and because all the credit card processing is done through them there’s a 3.5% payment fee on the end. 

So added altogether maybe it’s 10% or so, which is fine and we’re talking about digital products, where the company will take 30%.

Harms: Also in the context of your own business your marketing fee associated with it and the profit, you’re left with at the end of the day might actually only be 15%, 20%.

Many big companies work on a margin they’re making 7% and they’re like that is a good margin this year.

So yes, they’re taking a percentage, but it’s because they’re doing a hell of a lot of work in the background and they’ve built the trusted brand which you can then go and put your product on.

Lots of pros and cons for it, Kyle and I will always prefer you to have your own place of business, online shop, and brand, etcetera but right now, this all about making cash leveraging the amazing online world as it is now.

Kyle: All of the things we’ve talked about you can start selling one your creative goodies through these different sites.

Whether it’s a service, your prints. 

Whether it is handcrafted stuff you start on something like Etsy, creative market, or red bubble. You start to make sales and then you know you have a market that people are interested in what you have.

You’ll know what stuff sells well which stuff doesn’t, you have cash coming in as well, and that’s when you can make the decision like okay, maybe I should build my own website. 

Maybe I should take control of my own marketing and then at that point obviously, you won’t be paying Etsy 10%, you won’t be paying the creative market 30%.

You get to keep all the money but only once you’ve fully proven to yourself actually I can sell a decent amount of this.

Harms:  Essentially what you are doing is two things.

One is qualifying the demand before you go and say yes let me go and invest in all this stuff to help me set up a business.

Number two is we’re using the platform they’ve already created in order to mitigate the risk, reduce the risk associated with this.

Including do I even enjoy doing this?

Do I enjoy creating this item, packaging it up, shipping it?

Because some people prefer the creative side and not too fussed about the packaging, shipping. Where you find your enjoyment is different for everybody.

We have creative ways in order to leverage these creative skills to make money online. 

We pulled things from different categories from the big list which is now over 200 items, which has been vetted and we’ve taken the crap out, potentially the scams.

The gambling all that kind of stuff and not as a judgement, but just simply so you’ve got a good reliable list to start exploring.

We focused on Fiverr and Upwork. 

We spoke about going to sites which induce industry specific people that have job postings. 

We spoke about contest sites such as 99 designs.

We spoke about generating a passive income through set and forget marketplaces in the product in the marketplace and get paid ongoing.

Depending on how well that product performs on those sites.

In the areas of art, music, photography.

We spoke about T-shirts and merch using the same model as well and finally Etsy, which is a fantastic platform to put your crafts and your arts out there, your physical products as such.

To wrap up we’ve spoken about how to do it with very little skill. How to do it with the skill set of just having the native English as your language, how to leverage that.

How to do it if you’ve got a professional skill and how to do it if you’ve got a creative skill.

Remember, these are ways not in which to and they can be, but we’re not talking about building an entire online business here which you own, manage, market, you sell, all traffic comes through you.

That’s not the purpose right now.

Right now it’s to help out everybody during lockdown.

Anybody going through a period of change especially financially where we can now generate cash online.

Kyle: We understand that there is a lot here.

It could be overwhelming and we’ve tried to filter it down using that Google sheet.

What you have learned so far:

  • 5 ways to make money from leveraging your creative skills
  • Discover some unknown ways to make money online
  • Plus more



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