BBO.SHOW #29 – How to promote your new eBook, hit best seller list, get reviews, what price to charge and more
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Harms: Today is the most exciting part of the guide, it’s the time where we actually launch the book, the work leading up to this point has been critical to give us the best chance of a successful launch.
This falls into a bigger umbrella, where we’ve got the business value you as an expert, you are somebody with knowledge and information has a larger, higher ticket item to sell at some point in the future.
Whether it’s a product, service that comes with a higher price point.
The purpose of the e-book within our context is to serve and to allow an entry point for your potential customers to walk through the door and then escalate them via a pricing mechanism but also escalate them in terms of discovery, digestible content and then helping them solve a greater problem as they go through this value ladder.
That’s where the focus is versus publishing your ebook as if you are approaching this as the e-book is your final product to sell.
If you’re coming at this from a purely author perspective as a literary professional that’s not what this is about, if you’re a writer yes, you can have fun writing this, but this is not going to be your end product.
This is to help customers find out who you are and enter your ecosystem and then later discover your product and service in which they will pay a greater price to have that full access, physical product, digital product.
The key is the first step in the value ladder is creating an ebook.
Think of it as a launch sequence, a step-by-step approach to launching a book and you can use this every single time you launch your ebook for as long as it stays relevant.
Kyle how do we approach this?
Kyle: How well your book does in its first weeks, or even its first days and first hours will help determine where it lands on Amazon in general, over the course of its lifetime.
That’s because Amazon is a really busy place.
There’s a lot of information, a lot of searches, a lot of people publishing, you need to show very quickly to Amazon that what you have published is extremely valuable.
Thankfully, everything we’ve been doing has been leading to this point we started with the end in mind.
All of the work you do has been leading to this point and you’ll start to see a lot of connections.
We have everything, it’s just setting it up and following a sequence of steps that we’re going to be showing you in order to get the most out of what you have created.
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Harms: The common approach or the method that we could tell you to start off with is to tell you to hire a PR person, a PR agency basically gets what PR offers on board and that’s one way.
We could ask you to go and search out a niche podcast within your domain and go try a feature on their podcast, we could ask you to reach out to YouTube influences and jump on an interview with them and be interviewed about your book on them.
These are all things we can do.
However, one they are common knowledge, and although it’s massively important, the actual fact is we don’t know what your industry is, the current influence within your industry.
The reach that maybe a niche podcast has within the industry.
By all means do seek those out, but also the other factor is they take time.
Getting onto someone’s podcast takes time and all of that takes time away from the speed of getting customers into your business that’s important as well.
Now you may be an influencer, you may be somebody with a large following, you may be somebody with a large YouTube following, Instagram following a large email database, now again we can’t assume you, the listener has either a following or not, or somewhere in between.
We cannot come at this from the assumption that we know that you have all of this already in place.
The way we’re going to be promoting your e-book is on the basis that you don’t know anybody, you aren’t an influencer, and you might be starting from scratch.
Kyle: We’re going to assume that you have no clout in your particular industry, we’re going to assume you’re not known, and give you the basic mechanisms which work regardless of your fame or reputation in your particular industry.
Harms: To give people who maybe are in that starting position and we are really talking to those people in this moment in time, to give those people some reassurance what have we done in order to give them a head start?
Because they may be feeling disheartened right now and saying, I don’t have access to newspapers. I should have built my brand.
I know everyone has been saying this I should have done this for the last five years.
So what can we reassure them with?
Kyle: If you are feeling that right now, then maybe act on that and start to build up your brand alongside but we’re not going to rely on that for this particular book launch.
What we have done is we have based our book on the fact that there is a problem in the market.
There are people out there who need solutions, need results to a certain problem and then that’s what we based our book on.
We went out and found the categories of books that were popular and then looked for keywords in the already best sellers and we used those categories and keywords to eke out what the particular problems were in the market and to create a book based on topics we know are already working.
We’ve already built something that answers problems that the market already has.
We therefore know there is a market for this book and we just need to make sure we position it at launch to make sure that market sees it, to make sure people can see we can solve their problems as quickly as possible and then we can use that momentum to go forth from that point.
Harms: Let’s dive into the actual sequence and I’ve got here what is called as a working timeline.
This will be the working timeline for what sequence of events have to happen roughly when.
Kyle what’s the first thing to consider when considering our book launch?
First: Price Obvious question that we haven’t addressed! – $2.99. Nice and simple
Kyle: We’re going to go through chronologically the elements of the book launch and then re-cap it all at the end and see how everything fits together, as we need to not only tell you what to do but also explain why you need to be doing this.
One of the first questions which you’ve probably already wondered about this first question we get a lot is, what’s the price going to be?
We haven’t talked about price until now as we’re going to be using the price during our launch week, during the first two weeks of launch as part of our strategy.
The final price for your book considering this is and this is an assumption, considering you’re a new author and this is your first book, and it is an e-book of around hundred pages.
Your final price will be £2.99 or in dollars or whatever the rough equivalent is in your particular currency around that price point.
This is the lowest point at which Amazon will pay you the 70% royalty; anything below 2.99 you only get paid 30% royalty.
So if you charge a dollar for your book, you’ll get $0.30 per book instead of $0.70 and once you get that to 2.99, you get the 70% royalty.
This is important as it gives you a bit more revenue to reinvest in promoting your book further down the line and it’s also psychologically 2.99 it’s become the benchmark that people will pay for a quality eBook.
Harms: There are lots of $0.99 eBooks out there but 2.99 is a more solid price for something sustainable moving forward so that will be your eventual price.
We’ll be pricing it at 2.99 at the end, so at the end of the timeline.
But we’re suggesting a slightly different pricing strategy to start with and what is that?
Kyle: The eventual price going forward for years and years and years from now on will be 2.99 however, right now, when Amazon asks you how much you want to set it we’re going to price it at 0.99.
We are going to start our launch strategy with a free book promo launch and by reducing the price of the book to zero we are getting into as many hands as possible.
But if we start from a price of $10 Amazon actually shows $10 with a line through it, down $10 to 0 dollars.
We are increasing the perceived value of the book by using an inflated price out of the gate. Again, we set it at $10 but then we’re going to immediately be giving away the book for free using a free promo.
That will drop the price from $10 down to 0 dollars, but because of that large drop the perceived value of our book is very high, and more people are likely to download the free version of our book.
Harms: That’s important because it’s going to massively help our launch plan.
The next thing we go on to is actually the free promo launch plan. So the next part of the sequence here is the promo launch plan and essentially we’ll make our book free for five days, because Amazon allows us within every 90-day window to have a promo period where we can offer our book for free for five days max.
The promo we set and we trigger and it’s going to last for five days, which leads to this point. We haven’t hit a 90-day window.
You may go into the future and want to set the promo up again but this is the first time we’re launching the e-book so we’re going to make the most of that five days straight out the gate.
Kyle: How well your book does in that first week in the first month is very important.
So yes we can do this again in three months’ time but the impact of this launch strategy is going to be a lot less, so we need time between us publishing the book and running this free promo launch to be short.
Harms: Now we can answer the question, why do we elevate the price?
Why are we putting out a free promo and what’s the aim here?
Kyle: We are doing a free promo in order to get a lot of downloads initially, these are free Kindle downloads not paid Kindle downloads two are mutually exclusive, but we’re going to be showing you how to bridge that gap.
What this does is by giving away our book for free and making sure lots of people download during that five-day window we can shoot our Kindle book up the Kindle bestsellers chart.
One great thing you can do straight off the back is you screenshot that.
As soon as you hit number one or number two you screenshot it, that’s a fantastic social group and you have just become an Amazon bestselling author technically even though it is free, you’re a bestseller because you are ranking so highly in that chart.
If you do use social media if you do a blog this is something you should be talking about, that’s a nice bonus.
It’s also given us a high amount of visibility.
We are, instead of being off the screen on Amazon where nobody can see us, we are ranking in the free charts and that gives us visibility.
Harms: That screenshot is amazing because it may only last for a day but the fact that you’ve got that screenshot means you ranked it. It encourages credibility and what it does psychologically for your customer is it makes them think your book must be valuable.
What this person has to say within my niche industry must be valuable, so within that five-day period you may feature on the Amazon bestseller charts.
So why do we now inflate the price?
Free promo launch
Kyle: This is part of the free download strategy because Amazon shows the original price and the discounted price.
So if it was initially $10 and now discounted to 0 dollars because of the free-giveaway week for five days, people are more likely to download the book.
Whereas if you started at $0.99 and it’s discounted to 0 cents the perceived value between those $1.00 dollars is very low, so you will get less free downloads.
If people think they are saving $10 because it’s dropped from $10 down to zero dollars they are more likely to download the free version of your book.
It’s a psychological trick.
It is using the psychology of pricing in order to give people the idea that there is a huge amount of value here, the perceived value is higher because the price is higher and we are discounting that down from $10 to 0 dollars.
But people still value it at $10 and they’re saving $10 which is more attractive than saving one dollar. You’ll get more downloads.
Why Sunday?
Sunday is entirely based on the data; the least amount Kindle downloads happen on Friday and Saturday so if we run our five-day window over Friday and Saturday we’re going to get hit by that lull.
Instead we start Sunday, go to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and that gives us the five consecutive days that do not hit Friday and Saturday.
Harms: This doesn’t automatically mean lots of people download your book and there’s still some work to be done, but if we follow the sequence we’re now setting up the probability of greater downloads by initiating some of these things.
How do we get downloads?
Kyle: Your choice of categories and keywords are going to help you with a bit of visibility during that free period but it’s not enough to rise above the general noise on Amazon.
We need to make sure outside of Amazon people know about this book and they are downloading it. I’ve highlighted four we can go through.
The first one is submission sites.
There are websites where you can submit the details of your book and you can submit the fact that you are having a five day giveaway you give them the times and the dates, the category and they will circulate information to people who want to get free books,
Most of the time it’s via a newsletter and then those people will download your free book, so there are different submission sites for different genres and then there are more general ones that submit to all categories.
There are many submission sites out there and there are also lists of the submission sites.
If you google Kindle book submission list or Kindle free giveaway book submission list, you’ll get a ton of these.
I found one called readers in the, and Kindlepreneur both have big lists.
Once you have found the submission sites you need to manually submit.
The big need to be aware of this, there is normally a one or two week lead in time and so you need to submit the details of your free giveaway a week or two before the free giveaway kicks in.
Harms: You may not have time to do this so another way around this is rather than manually submitting the information to the submission sites we can leverage other people’s time and the way we can best do that is somewhere like Fiverr.
Sending your book submissions to the submission site is one of those services so you can have somebody do it for you, that is a mechanism.
What other ways can we help encourage downloads?
Kyle: Number one is manually submitting to the submission sites, it works, it’s just time-consuming.
Number two is finding somebody on Fiverr who would do this for you, there are lots of existing sites if you search submissions you should be able to find them.
Number three is similar to using an automated tool and the tool is called Kindle ROI as in return on investment.
It’s a paid tool but it does submissions for you.
What it does is it scans your Kindle product page and pulls the information and automatically submits it to different submission sites.
Why this is really useful is because each submission site you need to create a login for, and then they ask for your details in slightly different formats, so it is a pain to copy paste them every time.
Kindle ROI is a paid tool, so obviously that’s a disadvantage depending on your budget, but it does automatically pull all the information automatically and send it to all of these different submission sites without you having to create logins or do anything so it’s pretty great.
I think it submits about 35 or 40 different sites mainly the big generalised ones and the tool was last time I checked $47.
If you’re going to be publishing more than one book, and if you are submitting them to these sites it’s really useful and $47 is not very much. I’d also have a look on Fiverr, that’s the second option.
Harms: What we’re saying here is a week to two weeks before that initial Sunday launch date we need to get out to submission sites and the reason for that is, it increases our downloads.
We want higher downloads and the way to do that is to get a submission site.
Another way to do that a final method is Facebook groups and forums out there which are already formed around your niche topic would be a great place to let people know about the promotions.
You could do a weekly reminder. You have to be careful of Facebook group policies and not getting kicked out of the group, et cetera but just be sensible with it.
You may want to contact the host of the group in advance so this is when you should be doing this one to two weeks out.
Have a conversation with them and see if you are able to promote it via a campaign mechanism that could be one way to do it, so Facebook groups are great.
Kyle: There will be Facebook groups which are relevant to your niche there are also freebie groups.
These are specially set up for people who want free ebooks.
They’re very similar to the submission site, submission sites use a newsletter to get the word out about your new Kindle e-book.
The Facebook groups is just another format that, it’s people looking for e-books and you are allowed to go on there and post your details.
Free period -> reviews
Harms: That now helps encourage our downloads. The best time to start thinking about this is probably three weeks before getting in contact with the submission sites or Facebook groups, two weeks before because we don’t know what delay will be in house with them.
There is a paid tool as well if you want life to be easier or use Fiverr.
This will increase downloads which increases the probability of you now featuring on the Amazon bestseller list.
Then we have that ability to screenshot plus, you’ve got the downloads that are important, so that’s a great head start.
Now there’s another thing to consider as part of the sequence and it could be tagged alongside everything that’s happening is reviews.
Another question that we would get within this launch period, promotional period from people is what about reviews? How do I get reviews?
Kyle: We can collect reviews using our free giveaway one slight difference is that if somebody has purchased the item and then gives a review there will be a little icon and it will say verified review next to their particular review.
That means Amazon knows they definitely purchased it; they receive the item they are providing a review that’s verified.
When you give away your book will not get that little checkmark; you still have a review, so there is still a huge amount of social proof.
It is not quite as valuable as a verified purchase review but you can get a lot of them because you are giving away your book for free.
It’s similar to trying to get as many people to download as possible.
We also want as many people as possible to review your book during this five-day period and we have these five days to give it away to as many people as we can.
We’re going to be using this period to get a handful of five-star reviews and then when we turn to paid reviews will still be there, so our book will be in a good position.
Before we dive into how we do this, I do want to caution of don’t buy reviews. It is possible but they’re not cheap on Amazon they’re about $10-$15 per review. Amazon is pretty good at weeding them out and removing them so I wouldn’t recommend it.
There are better ways to use a marketing budget that won’t get you in trouble and are more value-based about getting your book into as many hands as possible and actually helping people.
Harms: The whole idea of this is ranking higher so you become more discoverable so more traffic comes your way.
More customers come your way.
By buying fake reviews you potentially undo all of the week’s work and that’s what we want to avoid ideally. What’s a legitimate way to grab some reviews?
Kyle: This is where we are going to turn more to your network.
If you don’t have a network in your industry niche we are still turning to industry podcasts, Facebook groups we’re going to be doing outreach.
Previously we looked at freebie groups, submissions, Facebook freebie groups for downloads.
These are fine and in volume from all over the world not necessarily interested in your niche, but they tend to be high volume and low-quality downloads.
You are looking now more at your business niche where people in your niche hang out, these are your potential customers later, you want to reach out to them and tell them specifically the book is free for five days, I want to give it to you for free and in return it will be really helpful if you can help me with a review.
Because these people you reach out to know your niche now actually, they know the value of the book.
Harms: Another one is now assuming that you have a professional network or you’ve done something within your expert industry on a human level, on a networking level it doesn’t mean you have to have access to a thousand plus personal email list, but if you have connections within your personal network, then great.
This is a time to ask them and let them know you have this free book and you’re looking for some reviews, feedback on this particular e-book as you hone it in, and so forth.
People with any professional network will reach out and say yes or no, but we have to ask in advance in order to get the yes or no, and if we stack the suggestions that we’re giving you one or two of them will come through.
That’s without a doubt.
Kyle: Also we don’t need a lot of reviews at this point.
We need a handful of good reviews because that’s enough to move to the next phase when we start to increase the price.
As long as I have one review that is five-star, then we are going to get a five stars on Amazon.
The more you get, the more the legit it’s going to be but the main thing is to have a handful.
Harms: Remember, the reviews will also appear as part of this image, so the more reviews you get you can screenshot that as part of the image, so that’s what we’ve done so far leading up to this point.
Continue this work, keep the outreach going right until the final day keep reaching out to people, keep promoting it.
This is the week of promotion within these five days we want to continue to get the outreach.
Kyle: If you have something that you can offer something valuable that’s going to be taken away and you have a definite end point, that’s a really powerful motivation.
It’s a really good way to get people to take action.
Scarcity and the fear that some people have that this item will be taken away is a very, very powerful psychological drive and it will help you to get those free downloads.
Make sure you mention it’s until Thursday night.
Harms: There are lots of other methods in order to do this, but remember we talk about a pathway which you can follow that’s not overwhelming three or four items you can do that everybody can implement immediately.
There are other ways to promote this in regards to a prelaunch and during the five-day period when it’s completely free you can run Facebook ads; YouTube adds lots of different mechanisms.
Facebook ads will allow you to have the book cover there with all the text in it and you can promote that and it will pass them through to Amazon.
Yes that is possible but not what we are focusing on.
If you do have that within your skill set of course you can use that mechanism to supplement this.
We don’t want you throwing money down the drain if you are not familiar with that and using these mechanisms we’ve described in this section can get you going with this in the future.
The next question is what do we do when we get to the end of the five days?
What happens next on our timeline?
Pricing after the 5 day free period
Kyle: The crossover between free kindle chart and paid kindle chart people is a part of a hot new release.
The hot new releases include books, so if you do really well and you release in the free chart you’re going to start popping up as a hot new release.
Even if your price has now been raised and is no longer a free e-book which means we can go from free and the popularity of our free push plus reviews, we can now seek this into a paid version.
As we’re still going to have the visibility from the mass of downloads from the free downloads and the way we do this is we do not immediately throw the price up to $10, we do not even put it up at 2.99.
We first went to a low price of about 99. So 99p or cents, that’s going to be our first paid price.
Harms: Because we are now overlapping into the hot new releases we now are starting to get featured on the paid chart and to encourage people to purchase our book we want to focus on people purchasing our book, that’s the focus.
So in order to do that, we set the price and we don’t set the price at 9.99, 2.99, our suggestion here is we set the price at the minimum Amazon allows $99, 99p.
That’s what we do at the end of five days we bring a price right the way down to the minimum Amazon allows and remember the reason here is to start to boost our rank discoverability on the paid chart.
That will be the technique and mechanism that we will use.
Kyle: There will also be a handful of people who missed your freebee but maybe they heard about it on a podcast you did and they come to the page they see it’s not free now but it’s only one dollar, that’s fine.
You will catch a few of those people, but the main crossover will be in these hot new releases and you’ve gone from the free Kindle chart via hot new releases into the paid chart.
We’re making it as easy as possible for people to purchase because it is $0.99, or 99p.
Harms: You should have some buzz now you should have some reviews and downloads.
We’re making it as easy as possible for people to purchase it and remember we can no longer continue to offer it for free because Amazon has this five-day limit, but what we can do is price it at the minimum Amazon allows.
Your customer won’t know that you’re going to get a split from this, the customer just knows that this is the next best thing to free and is basically 99p, $0.99.
It’s just such a low price that it’s a no-brainer for somebody to purchase it.
What this allows you to do from a marketing perspective is the book is no longer free, but for an additional limited time, I’m holding the price at $0.99, or 99p.
That allows you now to continue to speak and outreach to people to say, look, there is now time you did miss it when it was free, but I’m holding the price low because there are reviews, people like it have a look at this screenshot it’s ranked very highly and I want this accessible, available to as many people as possible for this limited time.
What do we do with that limited time?
But at what point do we now move this back to our normal price which we suggested at the beginning for 2.99?
Kyle: About after a week, but you could step it up and you could go from 99p to 1.99 and then to 2.99.
I like your idea of telling people it’s still cheap, and it’s going up in price. You can actually adapt your book description and add that text at the top of your book description.
You can say this is priced at $0.99 until and you give the date and if you are doing this make sure you change the price at that date, your scarcity has to be real.
Harms: That means we have an updated timeline with an end component so that is here.
Remember at the end of five days we’re pricing at the minimum Amazon allows.
We are suggesting a week and in that week you continue to speak to these people, you can continue to outreach using whatever marketing method you want. Scarcity is a great one.
We’re using the fact that the price will increase as the same message for scarcity.
Now you can escalate the price today it’s 1.99 tomorrow it’s 2.99, you can use that mechanism or you can just do it just increasing the price after the week it’s going up to 2.99 and it will remain 2.99 thereafter.
At the end you price it at 2.99 and essentially you leave it alone.
Kyle: The 2.99 is based on a few assumptions which is about 100 pages, just a short read.
Based on it being about 100 pages 2.99 is about right if for whatever reason you have created a longer, even more valuable piece of work, you can increase the price.
If you are doing this, I would raise it each week and test to see what happens to your sales.
If the market is not supporting the price at 1.99 it’s not going to support it at 5.99, so don’t raise the price. But 2.99.will be the price for you.
Timeline recap
Harms: That is the entire sequence to launch your book to give it the best chance for success and as you can see, it requires work. It requires a process because you’re not going to hit the Amazon bestseller list.
There’s an astronomical amount of books being published on Kindle, Amazon.
Your gut feel should be telling you that not everybody will go to the effort of putting all of this in situ.
So by doing everything that we’ve done, identified categories in advance identifying keywords. Understanding what problem the market has, the fact that we’re solving this problem for the market with the content of this e-book already has set us well ahead of the game, the competition.
When it comes to the final day where we said hang on don’t press the publish button we’re going to talk you through a sequence.
Hopefully now you can see why we said press pause for a moment before you publish the book because there are all of these steps.
This sequence of events that must happen in which you will take action to give your book the best chance of charting and is it possible?
We did it two weeks ago when we published a book, this technique works.
Kyle: In summary the first thing you need to do is make sure your book is ready.
We had everything lined up in Kindle direct publishing.
Do not publish it yet though.
We need to decide on our five free days, it should start on a Sunday for the reason that Friday and Saturday are the lowest downloads on Kindle, therefore we want Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday as our free period.
We need to know this five-day period around two to three weeks out, so that we can notify the submission sites so that we can begin our marketing plan, and start reaching out to people telling them that we’re going to be giving away our book for free during this period.
You need to begin publicising your free giveaway dates to contact the submission sites whether you do that manually, through Fiverr or Kindle ROI.
You need to start reaching out to your personal and professional network.
Again if you have influence if you’re known in the industry it will be easier.
We have built your system here which does not rely on that, if you do have those connections fantastic.
Then hit the publish button about three, five days before the free period begins at the inflated price of £9.99, dollars or whatever your currency is.
During that free promo period continue to encourage downloads and reviews, so this is just linking back with people you first contacted and making sure they’re actually following through.
You can introduce scarcity at this point.
You should come out of this five-day period and as soon as you come out the five-day you want to drop the price to $0.99, or 99 p.
This will allow us to transition into the paid charts through the hot new releases plus the fact we have lots of reviews and we will be picking up the last handful of the people that just missed the free offer, they see it at 99p and they continue to purchase.
That should be enough to start nudging you up the paid bestsellers list.
Then, every week we might increase the price by one dollar or one pound and we recommend you set the final price at 2.99 if it’s about 100 kindle pages long.
If it is longer than that, if there is even more value than you can continue to push the price up until you start to sense resistance because the market is not willing to pay that much.
Harms: If you are coming from a place where I don’t have a starting network or I may not be an influencer, I don’t have a brand online.
This again should give you confidence that just by the fact that the work that you didn’t do in regards to the brand and building influence can now be repositioned here to give your book the best chance of success.
Kyle: Remember, there are people who have influence but they don’t know how to do this to launch a book.
You’re in a good position.
Harms: We’ve spoken about the real reason you should publish an ebook.
We narrowed down to the three core benefits of publishing an ebook, we helped you answer the biggest objection that I’m not a writer, we covered that as well.
We helped you work out what your e-book is about.
We leveraged the concept of using category search keyword search to really narrow down the problem that your market has and then speaking to that space, which ultimately helps you identify what your book is about.
Once we knew what your book was about we helped you write it.
We gave you some mechanisms to actually write it through a structure, through three different ways to write it.
Getting it edited and getting into a final manuscript ready to publish.
But remember we’re not publishing yet; we first need to work out the mechanism in which we will publish the book using a tool called Kindle direct publishing.
How do we use that tool to format?
How do we use that tool to add a cover?
What do we need to do to actually create a cover, the cover art for our book and even more in that specific topic.
Then we go into the tool on how to actually go ahead and get our title and description, author bio and all of that already within KDP ready to publish.
But we don’t publish just yet.
We press pause because we need to get this launchpad system in place.
The sequence of events in place is planned out and knows exactly what we are doing for the next two, three week. It’s not going to happen overnight, but you should start to see the results of your e-book selling, your e-book being downloaded, your ebook getting reviews.
You start to benefit from those three core benefits in which we spoke about, which is why we are doing this whole entire thing.
One is for income, number two is reputation and number three is, it starts to drive traffic and leads into your business.
Because remember you have a bigger reason for this, which is a value ladder.
You have a more expensive product to sell, which helps people do something in a certain way and we need to get them to that point.
Selling a £1,000 product off the back is not easy whereas selling a 2.99 e-book and even a free e-book is a lot easier.
What you have learned so far: